city of liberty hill design standards

It may be a loop street or may link local and/or collector streets. Any person who violates any provision of this Code is subject to a civil penalty of up to one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) and not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00), or more as permitted by law, for each act of violation and for each day of violation. Establishments or places of business primarily engaged in the sale, rental or repair of equipment and supplies used by office, professional and service establishments to the firms themselves rather than to individuals, but excludes automotive, construction and farm equipment. A building containing one (1) dwelling unit only. On-site Wastewater permits shall be required from Williamson County for any development that applies for a development permit and wishes to use a septic tank or similar type of on-site wastewater system. The City Council may, from time to time, adopt by resolution specific forms and submission requirements. A change in ownership of a property through inheritance or the probate of an estate. A facility for loading, unloading, and interchange of passengers, baggage, and incidental freight or package express between modes or [of] transportation, including bus terminals, railroad stations, airport terminals, and public transit facilities. The appeal will then be heard and decided at the next BOA meeting. Uplands Zone. Dwelling, Detached. A recreational facility for use by residents and guests of a particular residential development, planned unit development, church, private primary educational facility, private secondary educational facility, club or lodge, or limited residential neighborhood, including both indoor and outdoor facilities. Frontage. The projected wastewater discharge of a proposed development shall not exceed the proposed capacity of the proposed developments wastewater system. For the purpose of establishing and maintaining sound, stable, and desirable development within the corporate limits of the City, the Official Zoning Map may be amended based upon changed or changing conditions in a particular area or in the City generally, or to rezone an area, or to extend the boundary of an existing zoning district. See Rules of Measurement. A house that is used as a lodging facility for paying guests. DETENTION SERVICES. A. The construction of improvements and the provisions for participation in costs by the City shall be included in a subdivision improvement agreement. ft. min. A. Base Flood (Elevation)(BFE). The City may require the phasing of development and/or improvements to the systems so as to maintain adequate wastewater capacity. E. Promote and incentivize water conservation practices. Typical uses include recreational vehicle parks. Exterior Features. If such conforming use is changed to a use otherwise authorized in said zoning district, then such premises may be used thereafter only for a use authorized in the zoning district where the premises are located. Document. Plat note stating: Building setbacks shall be in accordance with Chapter 4, Zoning and Lot Design Standards, City of Liberty Hill Unified Development Code. Driveway. Cemeteries complying with all state and local laws and regulations. The subdivider must demonstrate that there is sufficient water and wastewater utility line capacity available to serve the park. Lot Width. C. Land Clearing and Modification. Establishments or places of business engaged in sale from the premises of feed, grain, fertilizers, pesticides and similar goods or in the provision of agriculturally related services with incidental storage on lots other than where the service is rendered. ____ of the City of Liberty Hill, Texas.. To ensure the long term maintenance of installed stormwater management systems a, Procedure for Public Improvement Plan Submittal, Covenant to Maintain Storm Water Management System, Erosion and Sediment Control Manual (long download - 4.6 MB), Process - Petition for Dedication of Public Easements, Process - Petition for Vacation of ROW and Disclaimer of Utility Easements, Petition - Disclaimer of Utility Easement, Design Criteria & Technical Specifications. Stable, Commercial. A yard extends along a lot line, and to a depth or width specified in the yard requirements for the zoning district in which such zoned area is located. To the extent it is practicable, monuments should be installed in locations that will prevent disturbance or destruction of the monument by construction activities. No sign or supporting structure that is altered under the provisions of this section shall be made more nonconforming. Prolonging the flow time of runoff to reduce the peak discharge. Temporary real estate signs (commonly referred to as bandit signs) are permitted Friday, Saturday and Sunday only, and must be removed by Monday morning, per TxDoT regulations. Any Nonconforming Sign that has been destroyed or damaged to the extent that the cost of repairing the sign is more than 50 percent of the cost of erecting a new sign shall be removed or shall be brought into compliance with this Chapter within six months from receipt of an order from the City Administrator. B. In cases where a proposed development is not in accordance with these policies changes to policies must be made by the appropriate review entity (either the City Council or Board of Adjustment for Policy- and Legislative-related applications and permits before any subdivision or development not in accordance with existing policies may proceed). Upon receipt of the Planning and Zoning Commissions recommendation to the City Council, the Council will consider the following specific objectives and criteria in making a determination on the development ordinance and general development plan associated with the PUD. All owners, tenants, subtenants and purchasers of individual units within the development shall comply with the approved master sign plan. A. Applicability. Floor Area Ratio, (FAR). 2. Applies to a Certificate of Design Compliance. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. A piece or tract of land that remains within a subdivision but which that [sic] does not meet the minimum requirements of the Ordinance Code [sic] for a lot and is therefore not useable as a building site. Any dedicated area where a street, highway, thoroughfare, parkway, road, avenue, alley or other vehicular use facility is or will be constructed for public use. All terms and conditions of site development permit approval must be met at the time of development. Notice of suspension or revocation of a variance or special use permit shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the permit holder of the variance or special use permit. Application and permit types can be categorized as (A) Policy- and Legislative-Related Applications and Permits, (B) Subdivision-Related Applications and Permits, or (C) Development-Related Applications and Permits. Such extension of time shall be reported to the City Council and recorded in the minutes. D. No person shall transfer, lease, sell or receive any part of a parcel before an administrative plat or final plat of such parcel and the remaining parcel have been approved by the City Council in accordance with the provisions of these regulations in this Code and filed of record with the County Clerk of Williamson County. The financial institution shall be reviewed and approved in advance and the letters of credit or bonds shall conform to forms or criteria approved in advance by the City Council. If the accessory structure is greater than two hundred (200) square feet in area or eight (8) feet in height, then it shall be set back one (1) additional foot from the property line for each one (1) foot in height up to the minimum setback for a primary structure. 3. City of Round Rock Design and Construction Standards For developments planning to utilize on-site treatment systems, please consult the Williamson County rules for On-site treatment standards. Any electrical sign having a continuous message flow across its surface by utilizing lights or other electrical impulses that form various words and/or designs, including but not limited to time and temperature signs. Zoning Permit. Within ten (10) days after a final decision is made by the authority authorized to make the final determination under the requirements of this Code, a copy of the written decision will be sent to the applicant. C. If the City Administrator rejects such construction, the City Attorney shall, upon direction of the City Council, proceed to enforce the guarantees provided in this Chapter. Marquee Sign. No permit purporting to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this Code shall be valid, except insofar as the work or use that it authorizes is lawful and conforms to the requirements of this Code or a variance or modification granted pursuant to this Code. Internal programs and services are designed to support activities and standards necessary to ensure quality service, legal compliance, and fiscal accountability. B. Typical uses include wholesale plant nurseries and greenhouses. The lines bounding a zoning area, as defined herein. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF RESIDENTIAL USE TYPES. 1. An administrative exception may only be requested by the City Administrator. The entire system of sewage collection, treatment, and disposal. Procedures, including initiation of variances are explained in this Section. Simple majority. E. Replatting a portion of a recorded lot is not permitted. If the TIA threshold is exceeded, the applicant shall be so advised on the TIA Determination Worksheet and referred to the City Administrator or his designee for consultation concerning the preparation of a TIA. Any permit, certificate or license issued in conflict with the provisions of this Code is null and void. The applicant shall provide the City Administrator with a completed application together with a permit application review fee required by the City and two (2) copies of any documents applicant is relying upon to establish vested rights. Said bonds or letters of credit shall be in the amount of at least twenty (20) percent of the total construction cost. This section provides specific approval criteria for the following policy-related applications: A. Applicability. Before the City initiates the process for suspension or revocation of a permit or other form of approval pursuant to this Code, the City Administrator or Building Official or another designee of the City Council shall give written notice of intent to suspend or revoke via certified mail, return receipt requested. The removal of single, scattered, mature trees or other trees from uneven-aged stands by frequent and periodic cutting operations. Mining. Develop Land. Typical uses include mobile home parks or mobile home subdivisions. Building coverage is measured from the faces of the walls, not the eaves of the roof. On the date of final action on any related application for building permit, site plan, or development plan for signs involving new construction. B. Premises. F. 7,500 sq. Finished Grade. Any property which is annexed into the city is initially classified as AG until a rezoning request is considered (which may be considered concurrently). In the case of a request of a Demolition of a Historical Site, the Front Facade of said historic building may remain after demolition as an easement to protect the facade in perpetuity. B. In addition to the general criteria for consideration of administrative procedures, the City Administrator shall consider whether the application complies with the following standards: 1. D. A decision to revoke a variance or special use permit shall be effective immediately. A. All monuments and control points shall be placed by a licensed land surveyor, and must be in place prior to the installation of any roadway improvements. Upon written receipt of an application requesting an Administrative exception or adjustment, the City Administrator may request the BOA to consider an administrative exception or adjustment. Any street, avenue, boulevard, highway, sidewalk, alley, drain, or similar place which that [sic] is owned or controlled by a governmental entity. 2. The City Administrator shall serve as staff to the Planning and Zoning Commission, Board of Adjustments (BOA), Parks and Recreation Board, and the City Council except where otherwise provided by this Chapter. Each day any violation of this Code or of any ordinance of the City continues shall constitute a separate offense. Ownership is not a factor in this type of unit, and may be either rental or condominium. Easement. Industrial parks may be promoted or sponsored by private developers, community organizations or government organizations. Absolute majority. Normal grade shall be construed to be the (1) existing grade prior to construction (2) the newly established grade after construction, or (3) the crown of the adjacent roadway. The actual start of construction is the placement of slab or footings, piles, columns, or actual placement of a manufactured home. MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL. A. Plans indicating the location, type, and height of lighting fixtures including both building mounted and ground mounted fixtures; B. If no alternative resolution of the dispute can be agreed to by both parties, or if a party is not participating in good faith, the mediator may declare an impasse. If the City Council finds, after notice and hearing, that a significant violation of an approved site plan has occurred, the Council may revoke its approval of such site plan. The request for amendment shall be labeled an Annual Update Request and shall include a summary of the proposed changes, the reason for the proposed changes, and suggested text amendments. This district is intended to provide for small-scale, limited impact retail and office business uses that are compatible with low and medium density residential neighborhoods. A. Applicants may file multiple applications for nonconcurrent actions/approvals. Any funds accepted by the City shall be earmarked for construction of the improvements for which the contribution was made. TxDOT. All development activities permitted by the action being appealed, or any subsequent approval, must stop upon appeal, and remain inactive until the appeal is resolved. D. The City Engineer will approve any Construction Plan that is submitted and sufficiently shows compliance with any city-approved or adopted design or construction criteria manuals, or in the absence of city approved or adopted design requirements, standard engineering practices. Lots have an Impervious Cover limitation that is part of the Max Lot Coverage. See Section 3.6(6) [sic] for further information on PUD applications and applicability. B. Subdivision-Related Applications and Permits. The subdivider may elect to post fiscal surety and assurance of construction as provided in Chapter 6, in which case the surety of assurance shall be filed with the City, together with a request that the plat be filed for record. The following shall be deemed violations under this Code and constitute sufficient grounds for the City to take enforcement actions and pursue the penalties as specified below. Dilapidated Sign. Rezoning to the PUD district requires a specific PUD ordinance and a General Development Plan from the property owner. The boundaries of the recharge zone shall encompass all land over the Edwards Aquifer, recharging the same, as determined by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ formerly TNRCC) and the Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District (BSEACD). A sign designating only the direction of ingress or egress of a parking area or driveway, such as in, entrance, exit, one way, do not enter or no exit.. Blocks shall be laid out to provide effective connectivity within and among subdivisions and neighborhoods. No final plat may be considered or approved unless the preliminary plat for the same land has been approved. 2. In case of a rejection, the City Administrator shall specify in the rejection the sections of the Section with which the plan is inconsistent. C. Public Conveniences and Litter Control. Community Service Signs. Subdivisions and plats of land shall be reviewed using the criteria in this Code and any technical criteria referenced by this Code. Low Density Residential (SF1). The City of Round Rocks Design and Construction Standards shall apply for all public facilities within the City limits and ETJ of Liberty Hill. Before any development or project can proceed, the City Administrator must be satisfied that the landowner or developer will be in a financial position to install or cause to be installed at his own cost, risk, and expense, all of the improvements required by this Code. F. Navigation lights (aircraft warning beacons on water towers and wireless transmission facilities), notwithstanding the terms as may be set forth in licensing agreements with the owners/operators of such lights. Basement. Nursery, Commercial and/or Gardening Supplies Sales. Buffering is intended to protect the character and stability of residential areas, to conserve the value of land and buildings of the properties and neighborhoods adjacent to nonresidential developments, and to enhance the visual and aesthetic image of the City of Liberty Hill. Fiscal surety is for the purpose of securing the estimated cost of completing capital improvements, should the City find it necessary to complete the improvements instead of the landowner or developer. In the event the City Council fails to make a ruling on the variance within sixty (60) days from the date the application for variance is filed, the application for variance shall be deemed denied. The city has attempted to provide parks to serve the immediate recreational needs of residents near their homes, but it faces a severe shortage of local recreational space as new subdivisions are approved and the citys population grows. A yard extending along a side lot line measured from the front yard to the rear yard. A portion of a roadway designed to allow vehicles to safely decelerate for turns onto intersecting streets or safely accelerate to merge with the prevailing traffic flow. Conditional Uses (Permitted Subject to Conditional Use Standards) (C): indicates that a Conditional Use Permit must be applied for under the provisions of Section 3.07.03. Approval Criteria. The penalties in this section shall be cumulative and not exclusive of any other rights or remedies the City may have. The following requirements apply: A. The vertical location of the existing ground surface prior to excavating or filling. Typical uses include the renting of private postal and safety deposit boxes to individuals and automated banking machines. Nothing herein would prohibit any applicant from the voluntary compliance with any future ordinance, regulation or incentive. Applications for all building permits other than single-family and duplex residential, or site development permits, including the installation of outdoor lighting fixtures for new construction, shall provide proof of compliance with this Code. Responsibility for Final Action. B. A right to land generally established in a real estate instrument or on a recorded plat to permit the use of land by the public, a legal entity, or particular persons for specified uses. Principles for computing sign area and sign height are contained in Section 6.12.04 below. The stop order or restraining order stopping development must indicate the reason for stopping the activity. Liberty Hill is part of the Greater Austin Area. Where complete separation of pedestrian and vehicles is not feasible, potential hazards shall be minimized by using landscaping, bollards, special paving, lighting and other similar means to clearly delineate pedestrian areas. The use of a site for only one dwelling unit, other than mobile home or modular home. The purpose of this Section is to require that the parking and circulation aspects of all developments are well designed with regard to safety, efficiency and convenience for vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians, both within the development and to and from surrounding areas. If the City Administrator fails to establish review periods for each procedure, the default review period will be ninety (90) days unless State law imposes a shorter period, in which event the shorter period will prevail. Failed loading. The permit specifies the use, the period of time for which it is approved, and any special conditions attached to the approval. Variances. Side Yard, Corner. Maximum Development Density. Mobile Home. 3. The fact that property may be utilized more profitably should a variance be granted may not be considered grounds for a variance. Typical uses include groceries, delicatessens, meat markets, retail bakeries, and candy shops. Intrafamily transfer. C. A statement of the legal subdivision name, including lot, block and recording information. Agricultural BMPs include, but are not limited to, strip cropping, terracing, contour stripping, grass waterways, animal waste structures, ponds, minimal tillage, grass and naturally vegetated filter strips, and proper nutrient application measures. Water system including utility easements, water distribution lines, fire hydrants, valves, pumps, and water towers in conformance with the terms and regulations of the provider of said utility; C. Sanitary sewer system including utility easements, sanitary sewer lines, manholes, and lift stations in conformance with the terms and regulations of the provider of said utility; D. Drainage system including drainage easements, channels, storm sewer lines and inlets, basins, control structures, and landscaping; G. Utilities for electric and telephone service and associated utility easements installed in conformance with the terms and regulations of the provider of said utility; H. Gas, cable television and other telecommunications service and associated utility easements, when provided, installed in conformance with the terms and regulations of the provider of said utility. F. Multifamily Residential (MF1). Assurance of adequate utility infrastructure in conformance with utility and drainage plans available. 7. Directional Sign. C. Alternative Dispute Resolution. Comprehensive Plan. Any transmission line or electric generating station; or water, sewer, electric, gas, telephone, and television or data cable service line. A side yard that is located immediately adjacent to another zoned area or to an alley separating such yard from another zoned area. All nonresidential development shall adhere to development standards found in Chapter 6, Site Development Standards, as well as other applicable standards found in this Code. The character of these developments is rural, protected from incompatible uses and with adequate facilities and services. Floor Area Ratio (FAR). A Bed and Breakfast is generally a smaller lodging facility than a hotel. Criteria for Approval. The build-to line shall be measured from an exterior wall to the property line such that the accuracy of the building placement shall be within a foot, as authorized. Typical uses include storage of private parking tow-a-ways or impound yards, (but specifically excluding dismantling or salvaging of vehicles). Regulations on commercial development should be intelligently crafted, so as to encourage economic development by providing predictability, continuity, and protection for investments that would be enhanced by orderly and attractive growth. The City Administrator shall create a file of all certificates issued pursuant to this Section of the Code that will be available for the publics review during regular business hours. Significantly Eroding Areas. B. To the maximum extent feasible, pedestrians shall be separated from vehicles and bicycles. The coordinate number and street name assigned to any structure or parcel of land. Performance Bond. Adequate on-site solid waste containers may also be required. If the applicant and administrative official can not agree on a format or mediator for the appeal within thirty (30) days, the Chairperson of the BOA may assign a mediator. G. Responsibility for Final Action. Land Use Compatibility. MANUFACTURED HOME RESIDENTIAL. Does not affect the residential character of the dwelling nor cause the dwelling to be extended; 4. Issue the sign permit, if the sign(s) that is the subject of the application conforms in every respect with the requirements of the Section and of the applicable Master or Common Signage Plan; or. A final plat or replat or site development permit will not be approved unless the land proposed for subdivision or site development is adequately served by essential public facilities and services. A building, or portion thereof, designed or used exclusively for residential occupancy, including single-family dwellings, two-family dwellings, and multiple-family dwellings, (not including hotels and motels). D. Additional information as may be required by the Planning and Zoning Commission in order to determine compliance with this Code. Preexisting. The City Administrator or City Engineer may require the provision of mutual access and/or cross-access easements for circulation control. D. New development must occur in a fiscally responsible manner for the City. AGRICULTURAL SALES AND SERVICES. along boundary lines of subdivisions shall be marked with a one-half inch iron rod, two feet in length, set in the center of a concrete monument six (6) inches in diameter and thirty (30) inches deep, with the top of the concrete monument set flush with the finished ground surface. 2. Reductions of buffer width more than fifty percent (50%) shall not be considered without written approval from the adjoining property owners, and only upon written approval by the City Council. Newly annexed territory that is part of a lot already annexed or within City Limits will be zoned directly to the zoning designation of the portion of the lot already within the City. Special planning areas are identified in the following Zoning District Table as Overlay Districts. The following restrictions apply to development applications requiring multiple approvals: 1. Merchandise displays shall not be considered window signs. The average horizontal distance between the side lot lines measured at right angles to the lot depth from the required front yard setback and from the required rear yard setback or from the rearmost point of the lot depth in cases where there is no rear lot line.