I, on the other hand, always take my coffee with calf-inne. Right. GERALD: Gerald Ford: a shitty president who no one remembers. He gets out to look and sees oil dripping out of the motor. RICKY: Tricky Ricky was slipped a Micky and woke up with a new name that was better suited for him and his poor lifestyle choices. Notable for her stupid name. Using your full name as your username means that those who know you can find you quickly by searching for you. Why do you hate Christmas? Fresh out of the oven (and straight into my stomach). var lo = new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent); Popular baby names. var slotId = 'div-gpt-ad-namesfrog_com-medrectangle-3-0'; Tracy. My husband's nickame is Chan, mine is Chin. If you're looking to create a secure username, consider including these details and see what happens, or leetify your username instead. OR I just did a chemical analysis of your name, and its PH level is too high. McKenzie: McKenzie. DAPHNE: Is that how you spell your name. Cliff. KENNETH: I haven't even met you and already I hate you. RAY: Doe: A deer. We got married July 8, 2016. OR Go PHuck yourself. LENA: Girls. Your name, is creepy. For a trashy wannabe. Dang. KAITLIN: Come back when you're ready to spell your name like a big girl. Put it back right now! TROY: Troy. Jack left you because your name is terrible. GORDON: They're waiting for you Gordon. SUSANNE: Susanne. 3. MARTIN: Damn, Gina, that's one stupid name! ", KATIE: Katie. So I told my dad I needed a new computer mic, My uncle is convinced that his wife prevents flakey scalp in the hair. 5. No? | No? MANDY: You broke Barry Manilow's heart with your stupid name. 2. On you. You are not. 4. "when you've known him as long as I have son, you can call him John.". Waitress> Four skins. JODY: Jody. Dad: you keep seeing signs saying dangerous. NICHOLAS: Nicholas. LOUISA: I had a girlfriend named Louisa in 3rd grade. In just 6 short weeks! HANNAH: Hannah, spelled backwards, is "stupid name." REVA: My great grandmothers name. No results. Me: No. GABRIELLE: Xena's companion. Everyone with their hand in the air has a stupid name. SHELIA: Sh-yearight. AARON: An extra A, to match your extra chromasome. Greg. BRIDGET: Roadt, no. WHO IS JULIUS AND WHY DO YOU BELONG TO HIM?? Background: Where I live, we have these little plastic cards instead of tickets to get on trains. The Irish are liars. RACHEL: Rachel, a good Biblical name. 1. ins.dataset.adClient = pid; Here's a plan: get a new name. This is a list of characters from Sanrio, a Japanese company specialized in creating kawaii (cute) characters. CURTIS: We've literally never met a man named "Curtis." James (Jim) Nastics. OR Gregory, from the Latin "Gregorious," which stands for "envious of other people's better names.". But, you couldn't find a better name? JON: Jon. You're welcome. TONYA: Equation. Either way, stupid name. MICHELE: You lost something. A place where rabbits have sex. APRIL: April. Crossword finished. BEATRICE: Aren't you one of the Golden Girls? Besides that it's STUPID. 2. DWAYNE: That's the Rock's name. GEORGE: Of Greek origin. Her name was too stupid. LACEY: Mummy and duddy met in a lingerie store didn't they? var slotId = 'div-gpt-ad-namesfrog_com-medrectangle-3-0_1'; Here are a few nickname options for the coolest guy around! Ouch. OR You have an uncommon name. Growing up with the last name Weiner had it's pros and cons. That's a sauce, not a name. Didn't think so. That can't be your actual name. The name Daniel steadily rose in popularity from the 1920s to the 1980s. I plan to play multiple games and interact with my .. You won't have to force these into conversations as much as you do with other puns. You because your name is stupid. People do this for convenience, so they don't have to remember multiple usernames and passwords. Honderdmusic 5 yr. ago. ROCKY: You're probably the best at getting punched in the face repeatedly and calling that a "victory.". RT @DanielCicala: i'm a comic's comic (my jokes are only funny to people with the same cluster of personality disorders) 01 Mar 2023 01:08:18 Why does Princess Leia keep her hair tied up in buns? Warning: Sweetness overload! NOELLE: The first NOELLE, the angels did say, "ew, no, put this one back.". MEREDITH: Welsh for "great lord, what a stupid name!". TOMMIE: Where's my gun? LES: Less is more. OLGA: Did your name come with pigtails? Litter-patter; Whiskers Cat Puns. CARA: That's just an "a" tacked onto a mode of transportation. JACOB: In Portuguese, your name is IAGO. From Donkey Kong? The shortened full name nickname. MILDRED: You're either 80 years old or a horse. But still a dumb name. Oh wait, you're not a bad ass. ELLIOTT: Drop an L, rearrange your name. STEWART: Stewart, the feeling you get right before you need to poop. Why not add a pun to your username to give it some instant flair? JULIO: Next time you're down at the schoolyard, leave your name there. COLLEEN: Do you hear me Colleen your name? Your favorite actor signed a photo for you. CARLTON:

. GROVER: Fuzzy, purple, president. Cookie Monster said it best: "Me want cookie!". Tweet. Ah, memory lane. OR Uncle Jesse! PENELOPE: Wife of Odysseus. Where's Theodore? JIMMY: Hey Jimmy, come back when you're ready to use a big-boy name. EVE: Your name reads the same forwards and backwards, in case you forget what direction to read. Ray: A stupid fucking name. Is your dog named dog too? Here is a list of good Daniel Nicknames, fingers crossed; you will find a befitting nickname for your Daniel. 11 years old and he still doesnt know my name is Daniel!?! ZACHARIAH: Nice neck beard, penis wrinkle. TANIA: You spelled Tanya wrong. DARLENE: You must have found your name in a trash can. The purpose of a random username is to create unique and secure credentials for every account. FUNNY NAMES ABBREVIATION Gift Chioma Emeka = G.C.E David Victor Denis = DVD Hope Innocent Vincent = HIV Love Grateful Ada = LGA Nathan Tim Aboh = NTA Amanda Ino Daniel Sera = AIDS Nwankwo Elochi Peter Agnes= NEPA Veronica Ifeoma Peter = VIP Rapuruchuku Iheanyi Paul = RIP Benjamin Bony Maduako = BBM Mukaila Tunde Nurudeen = MTN DOUG: Doug. JAMES: Q: What do James Madison, James Monroe, and James K. Polk have in common? VINCE: Your name means conqueror. That's the best your parents could do? Someone needs to hire a hitman to execute your name. Don't worry, it makes sense if you're stupid. FREDERICK: You have two names in your name. And I am so sorry for naming you such a stupid name. Him> how many come in an order? Daughter of parents with bad taste in names. ALFREDO: Alfredo. ROXIE: Ro ro ro your boat all the way to the governor's office to pick up an application for a name change. Obi-Wan Cannot Be, Where does Princess Leia go shopping for clothing? Thought this was the perfect subreddit to post it. That doll that boys were supposed to carry around? STEVIE: Come back when you start spelling your name like a big boy. Fucked it up for the rest of us. What'd you say? ERNEST: Go to jail. AUDREY: I liked the plant you were named after better. HA. CHRISTINA: Commonly shortened to nonexistence because it is such a stupid name. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. So, to avoid this, always use different usernames for each new online account you create for maximum security. EVELYN: Eve is a stupid name, Lyn is a stupid name, put together: double stupid. That's the name of one of the characters in Tennesee Williams classic, "A Streetcar Named Something Not as Stupid as Stella. CHERYL: Cheryl, the favored name of hairdressers all over the world. Obi-Wannabe, What do you call a bounty hunter from Alabama? She has worked with breastfeeding parents for over a decade, and is a mom to two boys. Good for him. Gimme an H! Justnot in your name. ins.className = 'adsbygoogle ezasloaded'; JILLIAN: Uh, it's spelled Gillian, stupid. LEROY: French for 'The King'. CORNELIA: One half corn. An Daniel a day keeps the doctor away. Your name is stupid. It's surprising that you found this website and knew how to use it. A secure username does not contain any personally identifiable information, like your first and last name, location, or even date or year of birth that hackers could trace back to your real-life identity. TAD: Just a tad stupid for a name. Like your parents when they picked your name from a hat. That's an insult. We recommend our users to update the browser. Dumb ladie. Tracey. BETTIE: You spelled your name wrong, Betty. GWENDOLYN: Member of the 1992 Olympics team? Danger! Like that annoying bird from Aladdin. Also, it's mostly stupid. And your name is stupid. Youtube And your stupid name. OR Wait, that's kind of an awesome name. Oh yeah, she died of having such a stupid name. OR Lizzie, for when people named "Elizabeth" who want to be taken seriously. The white house is what we call the shitter out back. ABE: Let's be honest. Daytrogen." 8. ALVIN: Where's Simon? You're welcome. JENNIFER: Q: What do Jennifer Lawrence and Jennifer Connelly have in common? ANTOINETTE: Off with your head! Enough said. REGINALD: Usually shortened to nonexistence because it is such a stupid name. Get premium, high resolution news photos at Getty Images But how will they feel when he's back at it again (with the white Vans)? What do you call a woman with one leg that's shorter than the other? Knowing I was over the limit, I decided to leave my car at my friend's house, and took the bus home. OR Mayonnaise. "It wont make you Daniel Craig but it will make you Roger Moore. Celebrity Fun in the Pun candle line! PEGGY: Short for Margaret. A: A stupid first name. JOHN: Open your mouth, you're made to be pooped in. SANDRA: Add a "ra" to the stuff that gets stuck in your vagina and that's your name. I mean, seriously.". "I swear, this is the most convenient object I own. Tail grab. Xander K Occhipinti. ins.style.minWidth = container.attributes.ezaw.value + 'px'; It first broke into the top 20 in 1952, and top 10 in 1976. Makes me spit. COLE: Put you in your stocking and smoke it. That's just a sound that leaves make. WESLEY: Right, we get it. Often short for "Kathy is a stupid name. According to the Bible, he was thrown into a lions den for refusing to worship the king, but God protected Daniel and he was not harmed by the lions. FANNY: Quit objectifying yourself! Tyrone. BART: Don't have a cow, man, but your name is stupid. That's pretty stupid. Don't blame me! ERIC: Eric. OR From the Latin for "I don't care enough about your name to look it up." Inspecting mirrors is a job I could really see myself doing. It's causing people's ears to bleed. Drink some down to wash the bad taste that is your name out of your mouth. 3. OR Yo. Your name is stupid. ADDRIIIAAAAANNNN YOUR NAME IS STUPID. OR There are over 400,000 species of beetle in the world. EUGENE: "Eu-" means good in Greek, so your name actually means "good genes." Like your name. NICOLAS: Unless your last name is Cage, you have no right to spell your name this way. All I want for Christmas is a new name. Stupid name. ANGEL: Named for the being who descended from heaven to convince your mom to give you a shitty name. That's sad. HAHAHAHAHAHahahahahahhaHAHAHAHAHA! Spanish for, the dumb name. RALPH: How do you know someone is saying your name and not just vomiting? HENRIETTA: The name your father gave you when he really wanted a "Henry.". a d'eer. That's your life now, isn't it? Take a look at these cow puns that will surely amoose people! Bubba Fett, What time is it when Jabba the Hutt sits on your blaster? EZRA: You know what's better than Ezra? HENRY: Awesome name for a king. I get it. Everything. Thorax like a bug. LOU: A little bit of jessica in my life, a little bit of sandra by my side, a little bit of get a new name is all you need. GLORIA: Glory to whoever had the balls to name you this stupid name! Larry had the stupidest name. Have a good laugh while you go through some of the funniest nicknames for Daniel. Edited By: Shai K. The bible has so much wisdom to give. You name reminds people of eating Chinese noodles. Required fields are marked *. Your name is stupid. What's more, you can do this in over 23 languages, from Latin to Gothic to even Klingon! BERNADETTE: Please, put down the matches. SHANNON: Irish for "wise river." OR Please stop singing. Any Beths? 3. ANGIE: You should get an Angie-oplasty. ins.dataset.adClient = pid; Get ready for some good ol' hole-some fun. You're welcome. Its ups and downs if you will (pun intended). So I touched off. var slotId = 'div-gpt-ad-namesfrog_com-box-3-0'; DIANNE: Here's a dittie. Obi-Juan Kenobi What do you call a Sith who wont fight? For those who just love this sort of humor, we have a whole list for you to indulge in. Lantern, check. I can't cry anymore. MATTHEW: Overcame his incredibly stupid name to write the first book of the New Testament, which now also bears an incredibly stupid name. PAIGE: In the footnootes it reads, this is a stupid name. HOMER: d'oh. OR Stella. Could dunk on an 11 foot rim. FRIEDA: I have a confession. BRADLEY: Just go by Brad. Alana. TIM: Tim. Chucky. ROBERT: Commonly shortened to Bob, Rob, Robbie, and Dumbass. Once you see a username that suits you, click on it, and SpinXO will then check the availability of that username against social media platforms and even a domain check if you need it. MARSHALL: You've got the authority to find yourself a new name. Choose a phrase or word you like and then translate it to a different language. Go away from here with you and your stupid name. It will be released on August 21st and is already the third album by the brothers Sebastian and Benjamin Hinz - and their second full-length work in German. OR Leslie, a strong masculine name. Some people may draw inspiration from their favorite athlete or celebrity while others might choose a name reflecting an attribute, they are proud of. Darth Vader: I can feel your presents. Go hide in a closet. Bugs aren't just creepy and crawly they're funny too. ALEXANDRA: The feminine version of the name "I don't care what your name is.". MARCIA: MAR C.I.A - Your name is a code word that will destroy the modern government. Quit pretending to be something you're not. Dont worry, its just sprinkling outside. Unless, of course, you play bass." - Douglas Adams. Examples of puns in quotes from famous people include: "You can tune a guitar, but you can't tuna fish. Kinda grody. I like them, but I'm sure the power of Reddit can come up with some that are even better! KATELYN: Come back when you're ready to spell your name like a big girl. Daughter of parents with terrible taste in names. Columbus! JOAQUIN: Get back to work on your movies there, Joaquin. The Stupid Store? NOREEN: Nor I. I don't like your name neither. PAULINE: You can't just make a girl name by taking a guy name and adding "ine" to the end. BRAD: Brad, from a long tradition of "Names of Asshole High School Football Players.". Possible variations of Daniel include: Abidan (Hebrew, male) Dan (Hebrew, male) Dana (Czech, Polish) Daniela (Latin, female) Danielle (English, female) Dnu (Romanian) Daniele (French, Lithuanian) DARREN: It was quite Darren of your parents to give you such a stupid name. Thanks for being in on the whole massacre of a civilization through colonization. The name Daniel is a biblical name. Typically, such usernames include numbers, uppercase, lowercase letters, and special characters. There's just no way you are named that and are still alive. You have a dumb name. I'll be your friend. JULIANNE: Latin for "belonging to Julius." Community Member Follow Unfollow. Time to get a new blaster! What does a dyslexic geneticist name their son? Daniel Abraham, author of The Dragon's Path and many other novels, and co-author of Leviathan Wakes, explores the clues in Atwood's weirdly playful text. What do you call a needy woman? Fruit flies like a banana." - Groucho Marx. POST. LIZ: Short for lizard, the stupidest of animals. TABATHA: You were almost certainly named after a character in Bewitched. Pure country. That's a felony. JOHNNY: Johnny, the stupid way to try to make the stupid name "John" feel special. JANET: Damnit, Janet, your name is stupid. What time is it when Darth Vader steps on your chronometer? SHAUNA: You spelled your name wrong, Sean-a. OR Roses are red, violets are blue, your name is David, you have a stupid name. CLINTON: Little blue dress. HATTIE: Cut name for a hat. MATHEW: Where'd the other "t" go? Get out of here with you spelling your name like that. LAURA: Translates to victor. Izzy: Izzy. OR Thomas, noun, "A dumb name.". Call (978) 393-1076. Time to choose. lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId + '-asloaded'), { attributes: true });var cid = '6300803632'; Pretty damn stupid. SHEREE: Your name rhymes with itself. BELINDA: Yes. CHRISTY: Member of the 1992 Olympics team? Voted the best tasting water in Idaho. Also, consult the index for a new name. You gonna name your son FBI? Long for stupid name. "Time flies like an arrow. You'll get jurasskicked. She has worked with breastfeeding parents for over a decade, and is a mom to two boys. MIRANDA: You have the right to a stupid name. Here is a list of Russian Names and Surnames that serve as distinctive nicknames for Daniel. ins.style.minWidth = container.attributes.ezaw.value + 'px'; You should. What is Jabba the Hutts middle name? Don't worry! JUNE: Yeah, right, and my name is "March.". But if you're looking for a way to laugh some calories away rather than pack them on, these half-baked bread puns may be just what you knead. Your name is bullshit. Get an adult's name. But, you should brand a new name on your ass, because your name is stupid. Heather. We also got married in the same church as Vic Sotto and Pauleen Luna. Such a freak. He's 5'11 and has a lot of tattoos. Was it The First Humans who mistakenly called the Saber-Toothed tiger a Lightsaber-Toothed tiger? Matthew: Bow ties, of course! Abdul. What do you call a pirate droid? Equals: even stupider name. I said to my wife, I'm really fondue you; You are looking mozzare-hella good; This might sound cheesy, but I think you're really grate. Most Sanrio characters are anthropomorphized animals, a few are humans or anthropomorphized objects. At least-a your last name isn't so stupid! Then name 3 blacksmiths. Doesn't that make you feel sad? Add a vowel to the end. It's not fair to the rest of us. YVETTE: How can I make fun of your name if I can't pronounce it? MORRIS: If less is more, then morris less. That's a shitty violin. STAN: Hey, you forgot the A between the S and the T. STANLEY: You won the Cup for the stupidest name. OR I just did a chemical analysis of your name, and its PH level is too high. RUBY: Ruby, a precious stone. Traci. Over a Daniel. LEON: Your name is Noel backwards. The material I'll have to trap my head in so I don't have to hear your stupid name. Like Karl Malone. Popular Nicknames For Daniel Danny boy Niel Danno DJ Danyal Dan Dan the Man Danilo Danny Daneal Danyel Daniel-San Dee Dannie Danial Dane Neel Nelly Duke Dazz Dano Dee Dee Dn Denn Here are some pine-related puns and phrases: Pain Pine: As in, "A world of pine " and "Doubled up in pine " and "Growing pines " and "No pine, no gain" and "Old aches and pines " and "A pine in the butt" and " Pinefully slow" and "Being a royal pine " and . The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Named for a city so stupid it was conquered by 20 men in a wooden horse. SADIE: Sadie. Just makes everyone tired. they are always up to something. Pay the penalty. Comment #2: has he got womb WiFi or something? CHARLES: Barkley. Using the SpinXO Username Generator is easy. Unnecessary. ), He then said, what about a computer bob or a computer Phil? PERRY: Take this bottle of champagne, break it on your new yacht. LAUREN: The plural of Laura. CELESTE: AND THE ANGELS SANG YOUR NAME FROM THE HEAVENS, "CELESTE WHAT A DUMB NAME". MILES: You're miles behind everyone else in the race for a good name. I have decided that for my summer holidays I am Ghana go for a vacation to the continent of Africa. Vicki. 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved, Verywell Family uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Where'd you get that hicky? Timothy Dalton. BIANCA: Italian for "white." That would have been a better name for you. . OTTO: Your name spelled backwards is "stupid name.". In Hebrew, it is written as Daniyyel which translates to means God is my judge. RUSTY: Phew. Gaelic for "monkey armpits.". All of you. https://www.holidaybullshit.com/#daytwelve, Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters. MARCY: Remember that band Marcy Playground? Also, your name. STEPHEN: Go PHuck yourself. They left. var lo = new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent); Don't use nicknames as a tool to hurt others. TINA: Tina, the ancestrial name of chihuahua dogs everywhere. VAUGHN: Vaughn. Face like a latrine. Names are so varied around the world, and with new ones being chosen each year, the name puns will never end. KAY: Your name is just a letter spelled out. Sanrio sells and licenses products branded with these characters and has created over 450 characters. I wanna drink juice in the hood to forget how stupid your name is. Pick one. PETER: When you finally arrive at the Pearly Gates, St. Peter will come out and say, "Boy, don't WE have a stupid name!". Two antennas got married last Saturday. MOHAMED: I'm not going to touch this one. ARIEL: Go back under the sea where your name belongs. window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId, 'adsensetype', 1); BRYCE: A good Irish name. MYRA: No YourRa. Sometimes both. Earn yourself a new name. PEARL: Pearl. If you cross it, you'll find a better name. JACK: Your name is a verb. But who are you God's gift to? "We must all hang together or assuredly we shall all hang separately." Benjamin Franklin is credited with this witticism, which was a call for solidarity during the signing of the Declaration of. OR You are a bird. You signed in with another tab or window. No? More Humorous, Punny Jokes. var alS = 2021 % 1000; I have to make sure my cows understand me when I tell them something! JOE: If your name was any more average, it would be a man with a beer belly watching TV in a Snuggie. "After a concert, I asked ten puns if they liked the sound quality. 13. Solar System! LEONARDO: Yeah, right, and my name is "Michelangelo.". We appreciate that. I don't trust stairs. 4. Yours is the stupidest. WILLIS: Whatchu talkin' bout, stupid name? Pinterest It's like there's this hole inside me. GAVIN: I'm havin' a hard time listening to your name be spoke out loud. However, with a randomly generated, unidentifiable username, it would be almost impossible to find your profile, even if they sift through your friend's followers too. You gonna name your son FBI? You shouldn't, because your parents gave you a shitty name. You're welcome. While some outrightly offensive terms exist, we have found that context matters with nicknames. OR If you had a choice between the power of invisibility and the power of flight, you would still have a stupid name. All of your friends call you Phil. TYRONE: Tyrone. A nickname is often given to people who have an unusual name or some similarity to another person. Stupid. I met an Asian guy at a party and asked him, Are you Chris Chen?, A method actor who takes a role of a drug addict is a Meth O.D. OR Jimmy hat. HARVEY: I'm not entirely sure your name exists, Harvey. SOCORRO: The World Cup is just around the corner! DONNA: Donna SummerSummer.summerthe only time of the year to relax and enjoy the fact that you have a stupid name. CEDRIC: The entertainer. I don't believe you. LEO: Lion. JERI: You spelled your name wrong, dummy. Carly. Worst name for a human being. var ins = document.createElement('ins'); Why don't you go by Freddie instead -- oh right, because that's stupid too. A nickname is one of the highest forms of affection. KAREN: Karen. Shortly after arriving, the meeting I had been going to got postponed. GERTRUDE: It's about to get rude in here. Toilet. Estonian for "a goat's underbelly.". Because hes solo. Yup, you conquered all other stupid names. Dummy. in the woods but nobody heard it, it would still be a stupid name. GUY: Seriously. DYLAN: And I bet your brother's name is "Hunter," and your sister's name is "Bristol.". You can leetify usernames with the SpinXO Username Generator. Other half stupid. You are beautiful. DIANA: Ah yes, Diana. By changing your name to something not stupid. YOLANDA: Wait, that's kind of an awesome name. Argh2-D2, Where does Jabba the Hutt eat? ERIKA: Erika is just "Erik" with an "a" tacked on. FRANCISCO: From the latin "Francis." Not quite cake. Stupid names. OR HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OR When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east; when the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves; when your womb quickens again, and you bear a living child, your name will still be stupid. 3. ELISA: Lisa with a little extra stupid at the start of it. var ins = document.createElement('ins'); COLEMAN: Sleeping bag, check. Deal with it. RUSSELL: That's not a name. I need a cool gamers username for YouTube & Roblox & Twitch, I need a cool crazy Gaming username that is only for gaming Content, Name Generator | Contests | Quiz Sounds filthy. PHILLIP: From the Greek 'Philippos', or "Lover of Horses". Douglas. GARY: Gary. Personality based nicknames 2. I love how Koreans use the western alphabet to make up their username. LUISA: You spelled your name wrong, Louisa. Probably says some cheesy line to your face. Just a tad. Spanish for "pretty." var ffid = 2; TRAVIS: Travis Barker is this awesome drummer for Blink182. P.S. OR Michael Flatley. Merry Christmas you Saint. Scary. Not the man. AUTUMN: Well, technically only until December 21st. MIGUEL: Miguel. He always has the forks with him. You don't have to put on the red light. Get your stupid name inside. NIKKI: Are you the Nikki from that Prince song? FRANCIS: France is a country, not a name. Lauran: No one spells their name this way. HARRY: Not only is your name stupid, but your mom is stupid because she spelled Hairy wrong. I think you forgot what ds look like. See what its name is, and then walk around with her name instead. Had to fancy it up with that T?? This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. Our wedding hashtag was #titovicandjaney. CELIA: Just googled it. Nor you. Stop while you're ahead. Tough break. This subject line someone sent to me, however OR Samuel. var container = document.getElementById(slotId); Why shouldnt you ask Yoda for money? You can click 'Spin' to see even more. Named her Sadie. Dangle Cute Nicknames For Daniel MONTY: Let's make a deal, Monty. Our count? Some are Hebrew variations, while others are longer or shorter forms. MARCUS: Marcus: just the name "Mark" but with extra stupid on top. CECELIA: I cecelia think that your name is very stupid. Tonight, I was at a friend's house for a few drinks. I didn't Chloe would have a good time, till you showed up. Go to Africa. The femine form of "Stupid.". EVAN: Evan. CAROLE: Anthropoligists hypothesize that the first ever woman named Carole also had a stupid name. ELEANOR: Was actually in charge of running the white house. DOLORES: Aren't you one of the Golden Girls? A tortoise named Voldetort.