Returns the string with its first Unicode code point converted to upper case, according to any locale-specific rules. Twine2: Unused. If the full path to the contents of the archive is something like: Then the file URL to it would be (note the changed slashes): The online SugarCube install, delivered by the jsDelivr CDN, supports only versions of Twine2 2.1. There is no one size fits all example for either of these methods because an instance's properties, and the data contained therein, are what determine what you need to do. <
> does not terminate passage rendering in the passage where it was encountered, so care must be taken to ensure that no unwanted state modifications occur after its call. A list definition object should have some of the following properties: Adds the named property to the settings object and a range control for it to the Settings dialog. For example, you may use the following JavaScript code to record the last non-menu passage into the $return story variable: (Twine2: the Story JavaScript, Twine1/Twee: a script-tagged passage). Reloading the page or revisiting a passage may not restore the state of some interactive macros, so it is recommended that you only use them in instances where this will not be an issue or where you can work around it. In Twine, return to your project library by clicking the house icon in the lower-left corner of the Twine window. Math.random() is no longer replaced by the integrated seedable PRNG when State.prng.init() is called. This is not necessarily the same as the current state of the story: because moment creation is tied to passage navigation, changes that occur between one passage navigation and the next are not part of the current moment and will not be preserved by a moment until the next navigation, when the next moment is created. For example, let's return to the example above and change it again: You'll see that setup.y is being set to 1 and displayed properly regardless of whether you load a saved story or not, because it is not part of the state. In general, look to the .random() method instead. Fullscreen API. Note: Roughly equivalent to the :passagerender event. classesare instantiable objects whose own prototype is not Objecte.g., Array is a native non-generic object type. Warning: Interactions with macros or other code that inject content only after some external action or periode.g., <>, <>, etc.may or may not behave as you'd expect. Returns whether, at least, some of the track's data has been loaded. Normally, the values of its properties are automatically managed by their associated Settings dialog control. Registers the passage as an image passage. There are several beginner's guides on the web to using Sugarcube . You would do well to keep your translations similar when possible. If it encounters an unrecoverable problem during its processing, it may throw an exception containing an error message; the message will be displayed to the player and loading of the save will be terminated. A decision I made was that all the individual strings in the array will also match the object's passage names. Pauses playback of the selected tracks and, if they're not already in the process of loading, forces them to drop any existing data and begin loading. For accessibility reasons, it's recommended that you wrap each <> and its accompanying text within a element. Returns the number of times that members within the array pass the test implemented by the given predicate function. If its return value is truthy, the override succeeds and that value is used as the new destination of the navigation. Only useful when you have an asynchronous callback that invokes code/content that needs to access story and/or temporary variables shadowed by <>. A variable is a bit of storage where you may stash a value for later use. Returns whether the passage with the given title occurred within the story history. Note: In that case, unless you need to dynamically determine the destination passage within the < > body, <> is unnecessary as < > already includes the ability to forward the player. See UI API for more information. The StoryInit special passage is normally the best place to set up tracks. This means that some code points may span multiple code unitse.g., the character is one code point, but two code units. The data-init-passage attribute causes the element to be updated once at initialization, while the data-passage attribute causes the element to be updated upon each passage navigation. There are ways to turn webapps into apps for mobile phones and Windows/Linux etc, but it's still running in a web browser under the hood. This setting has been deprecated and should no longer be used. The text of a container macro parsed into discrete payload objects by tag. When used to set the volume, returns a reference to the current AudioList instance for chaining. Does not modify the original. In the above, the second (set:) macro is never run, and the $count variable remains at 0. If you want to play tracks in a sequence, then you want a playlist instead. A format item has the syntax {index[,alignment]}, square-brackets denoting optional elements. Examples of good uses: achievement tracking, new game+ data, playthrough statistics, etc. Moves backward one moment within the full history (past + future), if possible, activating and showing the moment moved to. Used to populate the story's caption area in the UI bar (element ID: story-caption). Selects the element that contains passage elements. To resolve instances where you do, however, you'll want to use either a temporary variable or a backquote expression. Navigation events allow the execution of JavaScript code at specific points during passage navigation. Gets or sets the playlist's volume level (default: 1). See the .includes() method for its replacement. The predefined variable output, which is a reference to a local content buffer, is available for use within the macro's code contents. Note: .one() in the jQuery API docs for more information. Thus, all volume adjustments are ignored by the device, though muting should work normally. Audio, image, video, and VTT passages are supported. Returns whether playback of the playlist has ended. Returns whether the history navigation was successful (should only fail if already at the end of the full history). To enable test mode while starting at a specific passage, right-click on a passage and select the Test Play From Here context menu item. This functionally refreshes the webpage, and can cause users to lose their progress. Additionally, SugarCube's link macro accepts a passage argument, that, if included, turns any < > into something similar to Harlowe's (link-goto:) macro. Intended to allow authors to easily wrap their custom object types (a.k.a. Shorthand for jQuery's .on() method applied to the audio element. To prevent conflicts, it is strongly suggested that you specify a custom user namespacee.g., .myEventswhen attaching your own handlers. A save operation details object will have the following properties: Deletes all currently registered on-save handlers. Shows the UI bar. SugarCube is a free (gratis and libre) story format for Twine/Twee. The new l10nStrings object has a simpler, flatter, set of properties and better support for replacement strings. Passage names have passage- prepended to their converted forms and are converted both into IDs and classes depending on how the passage is usedan ID for the active passage, classes for included (via <>) passages. Creates a list of single-use passage links. String values will still be accepted for further releases of v2, however, switching to an array is recommendede.g., the string value, This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. See the .includesAll() method for its replacement. The seed is automatically included within saves and sessions, so this is not especially useful outside of debugging purposes. As an example, the default replacement strings make use of this to handle various warning intros and outros. Returns the track's total playtime in seconds, Infinity for a stream, or NaN if no metadata exists. Save API. Does not modify the original. Starts playback of the track and fades it between the specified starting and destination volume levels over the specified number of seconds. Warning: SugarCube Snowman Twine 2 Examples Twine 2 Examples . There are two main presentation formats for Twine 2.0 texts: Harlowe and Sugarcube. Returns whether playback of the playlist has been stopped. See: See Dialog API for more information. Note: Activates the moment at the given offset from the active (present) moment within the full state history and show it. Does not modify the original. For example, a common use of < > is to perform various actions before forwarding the player to another passage. Periods of ellipsis () signify data that is generated at compile time. The audio subsystem that supports the audio macros comes with some built-in limitations and it is strongly recommended that you familiarize yourself with them. SugarCube is a free (gratis and libre) story format for Twine/Twee. Warning: Returns whether playback of the track has ended. Here's a simple example whose constructor takes a single config/option object parameter: Creating a new instance of this ContactInfo example would be something like: Here's a simple example whose constructor takes multiple discrete parameters: Here's a simple example whose constructor takes multiple discrete parameters, but also includes an ._init() helper method to allow the .clone() and .toJSON() methods to require less manual tinkering than the previous discrete parameters example by automatically copying an instance's own data: Media passages are simply a way to embed media into your projectspecially tagged passages that contain the data URI of a Base64-encoded media source. Once initialized, the State.random() method and story functions, random() and randomFloat(), return deterministic results from the seeded PRNGby default, they return non-deterministic results from Math.random(). Note: Returns the whole (integer) part of the given number by removing its fractional part, if any. Shorthand for jQuery's .on() method applied to each of the audio elements. To enable test mode from the Stories screen, click on the story's gear menu and select the Test Play menu item. A fullscreen options object should have some of the following properties: Note: If you want to change the font, color, or character, then you'll need to change the styling of the :after pseudo-element of the macro-type-cursor class. Unsupported object types, either native or custom, can be made compatible by implementing .clone() and .toJSON() methods for themsee the Non-generic object types (a.k.a. Prepends one or more unique members to the beginning of the base array and returns its new length. If you simply want to apply actions to multiple tracks simultaneously, then you want a group instead. Caveat for Internet Explorer: SugarCube only supports IE 9. Its return value should be the post-processed text. Used to replace SugarCube's default UI. The loading process is as described in SimpleAudio.load(). See the HTML and CSS docs for more information. This is a collection of tips, from how-tos to best practices. All user functions and macros that check for the existence of moments within the history check both the story history and expired moments, so will work as expected even if the history is limited to a single moment as described above. Only deletes the group itself, does not affect its component tracks. Note: Attempting to do so will, usually, result in something that's non-functional. Note: Registers the passage as an initialization passage. The pull count is automatically included within saves and sessions, so this is not especially useful outside of debugging purposes. See Save API for more information. In general, you should not call this method directly. Setting API method calls must be placed within your project's JavaScript section (Twine2: the Story JavaScript; Twine1/Twee: a script-tagged passage) or settings will not function correctly. As a consequence, you cannot use them directly within a passage to modify elements within said passage, since the elements they are targeting are still rendering, thus not yet on the page. Stops playback of all currently registered tracks and force them to drop any existing data. Instead, call the UI.restart() static method, which prompts the player with an OK/Cancel dialog before itself calling Engine.restart(), if they accept. For example, the following is the data URI of a Base64-encoded PNG image of a red dot (): Generally, it's expected that you will use a compiler that supports the automatic creation of media passages, however, they may be created manually. Starts playback of the playlist and fades the currently playing track from the specified volume level to 1 (loudest) over the specified number of seconds. May be called with, optional, link text or with a link or image markup. If you should chose to use an explicit seed, however, it is strongly recommended that you also enable additional entropy, otherwise all playthroughs for all players will be exactly the same. Loading is done asynchronously at run time, so if the stylesheet must be available within a tight time frame, then you should use the Promise returned by the function to ensure that the stylesheet is loaded before it is needed. Sets the selected tracks' current time in seconds. An asterisk (*) or number sign (#) that begins a line defines a member of the unordered or ordered list markup, respectively. Essentially, a combination of < > and <>. Local event triggered on the typing wrapper when the typing of a section stops. Tip: Donate Requirements SugarCube's sole requirement is a modern web browser, and by modern I mean one released within the last several years (you do not need the absolute latest and greatest shiny). Because the style markups use the same tokens to begin and end each markup, the same style cannot be nested within itself. The Config API serves the same basic purpose. Property attributes, including getters/setters, and symbol properties. Determines whether the audio subsystem automatically pauses tracks that have been faded to 0 volume (silent). Note: Executes its contents and prepends the output to the contents of the selected element(s). Thus, any groups or playlists containing the deleted track should be rebuilt. You can see this effect by changing data outside the state. First, the CSS, JavaScript, and Widget sections are processed. Performs any required processing before the save data is loadede.g., upgrading out-of-date save data. Returns the number of turns that have passed since the last instance of the passage with the given title occurred within the story history or -1 if it does not exist. There are three forms: a conditional-only form, a 3-part conditional form, and a range form. Note: Unlike other code or text in a Passage, variables most commonly start with either the dollar sign ($) or the underscore ( _) in the Harlowe and SugarCube story formats. This should not be done lightly if your audio sources are on the network, as it forces players to begin downloading them. Local event triggered on the typing wrapper when the typing of a section starts. Happens before the rendering of the incoming passage. Sugarcube is a legacy version that supports the features and syntax of earlier Twine 1.x versions. State API. The extension relies on a workspace (or a folder) being open. Tip: sugarcube-2: macros: customMacroName: container: true anotherOne: {} If using *.twee-config . If you need a random member from an array-like object, use the Array.from() method to convert it to an array, then use .random(). Does not modify the original. Returns an AudioRunner instance for the tracks matching the given selector. Story variables are a part of the story history and exist for the lifetime of a playthrough session. In Twine, you can combine the Set Macro with an If Macro to test is some condition is "true.". Deprecated: Compilers supporting automatic creation of media passages: Warning (Twine2): Determines whether passage titles are combined with the story title, within the browser's/tab's titlebar, when passages are displayed.