Outlander itself is fucking uneven. In the longer term though, it will have challenges in the wider market - too many competitors, a lot of people don't drink blends (must admit to being a biased single malt drinker myself), it's quite expensive, and when OL ends, as it will in the fullness of time, not sure that the fans will keep buying. If Heughan were really a straight guy, why would the trolls bother to "defend" him? Others took it to mean he was implying his Bat aka his p*nis wasnt straight, as in it had a bit of a curve to it (like many p*nis do. So hed be happy with the years results. Jesus, Heughan. and "Boring and homosexual never go together. Money wins out - it always does, but at least it's not all bad news. Sam Heughan and Amy Shiels (Instagram) The . Message for Sammy take off the mask it feels great!! It would be astonishing if he were not objectified after all that posturing . fans, which paid worth a content of a half weeks filled fridge for a photo. A straight white woman who uses a blonde female emoji, who saw Sam in a gay movie and a gay play in London. Has Heughan ever looked beyond the boxing prowess to what a homophobic jerk this guy really is? Box office at the opening weekend 57.000 in Germany. r181 Probably did it himself. Thank you R596 indeed the "pornstar" story and sightings seem to be a rumour.desperate attempt to keep up the hetero image. This is just second hand embarrasement, fremdschmen at its best. In other words, the no closet, the glass closet, the cast iron closet, and the closet you get buried in.". SAM HEUGHAN. Imagine figuring out a way to get into Jess private blog because you were certain that Jess was going to talk about you and you needed to know exactly what she was going to say. This is Real! Damn that hot image that he went to so much trouble to encourage - didn't the Herald get the PR new portrayal memo? I want the best for those kids". Over the last decade Heughan has mainly gone for *romantic* lead roles, like in Outlander, When the Starlight Ends, Emulsion, a Princess for Christmas, etc. Contrary to Extreme Shipper and Hater popular belief, I don't fake anything or "make up narratives," I don't need to or want to, I simply POST INFO SENT TO ME. [147] Thanks for the welcome and your reply. - Collects breadcrumbs, sometimes makes her own, and arranges them in patterns while claiming that she is only presenting the information and it is up to others to interpret them (but then presents her interpretation as orthodoxy). And we are still here, bigger + better than ever. Ah, Sammy, please lay off the pap walks and the shilling - just makes you look downright tacky. Purv's speculations are getting more ridiculous by the day. Or better yet a remake of Brokeback Mountain - 'I wish I knew how to quit you', Henry (Luke, Duncan, Whoever). You have to be a homophobic stan in denial to not see his obvious gayness: Madden is glass closeting like Heughan did, initially. Now that everyone THINKS it is, hes stuck with it! A bit tough on SH as he has done far more that the others to keep the increasingly mediocre OL even reasonably interesting, but he is probably quite happy at this stage to pick up what non-OL work he can but concentrate on his brand. - Enjoys ruffling feathers of birds of other flocks. The fan who posted this sighting in Memphis knows who Alex Norouzi is, so she would have mentioned it. It's Hannah James, folks. Sam seems to be a touchy/feely kind of guy, physical, fanpics and also with his co workers male and female so that arm around her shoulder means shit if you ask me. Click through the gallery inside for 10+ pictures of Sam Heughan out shopping in NYC. Agreed it's not about the nationality (although the weird celebrity obsession seems to be more intense in the land of HW) but about the complete inability of fans such as that group of worshipers, wherever they are based, to see that fictional Jamie and real Sam are not the same. I got this in a DM! r514 Jeremy, my lovely gay schoolfriend, did much of the same thing - picking out fake, trashy, slutty bimbos, to the point that he lost the friendship of some of the more mature guys in the class. [4] Be seen in the company of attractive young women [ more credible if they are not too young ] from time to time and let the inevitable speculation of fans lead to the conclusion you are a hetero man! This "man whore" image and "eye candy" poses, are what will lead to even more serious assault and abuse incidences. Just popped in to F and F you vile, homophobic fat nazi gross cunts. What I wish I had added to my post of 107 was that I think that in this day and age it is outrageous and very very cruel that anyone is denied work merely on the basis of their sexual preferences. There was a time when I didnt want to think about it. Meanwhile some of the more ping-y photos of him are being scattered around tumblr now. OL season 5 episode 1. r335 He will stop throwing out even tiny little breadcrumbs to the shippers when he assesses that he can't get any more money or any more hetero image from them - gotta keep those determined worshippers happy with closing their minds and opening their wallets. Me, of all people. Or did she think it was better for his image to eat granola at the same clif bar as Georgia..the silly innuendos never end it seems and it's starting to look more and more ridiculous. But, one good thing - the roadkill is gone and a new wig has appeared!!! No bearding, no pretense, just a genuine and great guy. [R175] You could also add to that long list the fact that another man [ i.e. And maybe show off a new beard? From the time I was a kid, I have never been able to understand attacks upon the gay community. Talk about milking his fame for all it's worth !! Absolutely sickening , Heughans demented ,sycophantic fans are actually thanking him on Instagram for selling them merchandise. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. combined with his work schedule. What's this one going to be, Samia? (Not sure whether he is still with her, but Cavill had the same PR agent as SH - Jennifer Allen - same tactics). Decisions, decisions. Not cool! Erit will never be because of the pink elephant in the room. He was able to button up his shirt collars then , hadn't overdeveloped his upper body in relation to rather slender legs, did not have a haircut that made his head look square , his face was thinner revealing his rather chiselled features and of course he had more hair. r195 Neither can I. Well, maybe. But I dont need to do this. Of course Purv ignored that Hannah was with Lyne Renee, who was there to promote her show 'Motherland'. If Camuso was such a close friend of Sam as Camuso and Purv keep insisting, surely there would have been a photo taken of him with Sam and then splattered all over Camuso's and Purv's SM. "It would be hilarious if the woman wasnt the bunny girl. Become a contributor - post when you want with no ads. Is anyone buying this crap? My monies on him going alone , or perhaps taking Marina .. [R423] When I heard about Schofield I thought it would resonate with Heughan. He was there but I wonder if Sam was the one who invited him. Hehe Sam doing some Daddy dancing. The latest dating rumor surrounding Sam is with the Twin Peaks star, Amy Shiels. Madden has never denied being gay like closeted Heughan did in his embarrassing 'gays are camp' interview the night before TSWDM premiere. Sam Heughan is a good actor with an excellent range of talent. Actually I think I never posted that Anon. Especially now, when theres a need for new content? They are concentrating on the averagely talented Balfe to get them those awards, even if they have to buy them, and make Starz more attractive in the moving and shaking re Starz/Lionsgate/Sony etc wheeling and dealing. I wonder what their collaboration was like, just like with the Spy movie there seems to be a lot of distance between the actors. This really comes down to Andrew Scott really, cause that man. Thank you. It was another Nureyev defection of sorts! Scott was ranked at No. His private FB gone.. that was the most telling with the comments. I hope Sam reads here sometimes because DL has already given him tons of new ideas for his company. It wasn't until he landed the role of . Most of them I know, some of them I dont. Just look at deluded R30. Watch this space for more of his bearding games. [R550] Think Heughan is somewhat conflictedhe thinks he wants to be a big successful HW star but he's not entirely comfortable mixing withe the enormous egos , the vulgar and grotesque characters that populate Hollywood. He could have made a general statement on twitter to get his point across less ineptly. Of course all the more reason to keep underlining the straight image - don't want to hurt that profit bottom line with the moneyed up worshippers. Outside of Scotland he is very little known in this country and could do with putting in some solid acting work to change that. The director was Cressida Brown and it was at Offstage Theatre at Bridewell in London in Jan. 2011. R373 it is a bit too much if I were him I'd go for a business that has nothing to do with OL(since the majority of the world population are not OL fans anyway) and I'd just silently invest in something without promoting it via his acting career. jonesmle. Hope he'll look more like himself again soon, not so square. LOL the Luke Datalounge shit is the least of all the gay signs pointing at Rolando. And the app could be a possible beard market, an 'elite' one even. These homophobic trolls have been trying to derail and close these threads since years ago. Some of you have had problems finding the blog. From minute 10.04 he asks her if the glasses are for reading or just fashion and asks her how many fingers she sees. A response to her post pointed out the Paul Newman gig was completed last week. weird to live in a world where Sam Heughan has the closet door shut and locked but it's lowkey confirmed that Richard Madden is sucking young twink cock Those crazy Scots! On a purely commercial note may I advise Heughans Mole to employ an agent as it will be large enough by next year to wear it's own Tennents Larger knitted Christmas hat and possibly a pair of Under Armour briefs as well ! r175 Pity Heughan doesn't give a shout out for Luke as Vyr in The Witcher - released on Netflix next month. It's going to take a long time for homophobic HW to change as long as the JA types are around making money out of Anything But Gay, but it will. Build a bridge and get over yourself. [R545] I should think he is uncomfortable.a gay man from a modest background and small Scottish town he's now having to mix with and be photographed with pouting, inflated 'trout ' lipped HW actresses . He's lagging a bit - after the January to August girl of the month smoke and mirrors flurry, there doesn't seem to have been Sep, Oct - but then cultivating the image of a hetero player can be tiring. Why not in 2014? Youre just a newbie who knows all about Sam from your days in London. Wouldnt JA want something a little classier for such a major star? Great public image, Sammy - needy, greedy, seedy. J. Allen please take note . ], Related: Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia creator Rob McElhenney may think hes exposing hypocrisy by making the ultraconservative Mac gay, but hes perpetuating a trope that absolves the straight community of responsibility for homophobia, says Louis Staples. Nah. Despite a lot of effort, Starz has not been successful in selling Skelton and Rankin as the new couple to ship (off-screen Skelton/Rankin relationship hints have looked as fake as SH/Mauzy). There you are DL'ers your first erotic fantasy of 2020. bat-cat-reader. MPC, Sassenach etc. His OL persona where he pretends to be incompetent has never agreed with all his self directed projects. His IG resembles that of his dates/beards. I think it's wonderful she donates to such a worthy and important cause. When will that finally stop? Admire his work but just wondered. Watch this space, I guess. I think that is one of the best trilogies ever made, he told us, and Caitriona added, Sam tries to talk about it every day if he can.STARZ, Related: Kristen Stewart Was Told to Hide Being Queer to Land a Marvel Movie, [quote]"I have fully been told, 'If you just, like, do yourself a favor, and dont go out holding your girlfriends hand in public, you might get a Marvel movie,'" Stewart told Harper's Bazaar UK. OK, Purv, you keep on indulging your penis fantasies.). There is even a Tbag replacement holding the door for her. A couple of fans suggested that he bring out a line of these sporrans for Scottish weddings - no, just don't, or what's next? [quote]Artists hire PR firms who work for them. Had a suite on the 7th floor with another guy who handle everything.". Production was initially delayed to the COVID . With the cover of the showmance gone and the 'player' parade of hinted new 'gfs' looking pretty clumsy, the straight selling has gone a bit rudderless. PaleyFest postponed - this will hurt - right in his wallet. And he will still like images of the bums of almost naked women its too valuable a weapon to stress that he is a red-blooded hetero man Im straight, Im straight. Tumblr-ite comment about the Wizard World dealings: "This, this right here, the newest Instagram with fans, is what I am concerned about. Coronavirus could really impact Bloodshot. To those guys Heughan's a milk cow. This bearding is more clumsy than usual, even for him. "She did incredible and we are really happy we've got a new addition to the family". What an utter embarrassment. As for Camuso, he likes to get SH's attention to feed his obvious crush - he'd love to be his Bond Girl - dream on, Paul. I'm all for people doing well in their business ventures, good luck to them, but he really does seem to be veering a bit to kitsch. Hes not the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to security. But his life his choice. You supposedly like the idea of space travel so why not teleport to our Mardi Gras parade tonight - almost 200 floats (including floats of police, military, emergency services - all in uniform), 12,000 in the parade. Surprised Heughan didn't have Sassenach Whisky embroidered on his velvet jacket ! Just sack him, Sam. Now it's mainly shilling. They have been secretly together for 4 years and both saw the closeting as a temporary thing, but as his bf's career has continued to expand, there now seems to be no end date to the game-playing. When asked how he prepared his accent for the drama Legacy, in which he played a Soviet diplomat, Scott said, "There isn't a huge amount of footage of Russians speaking English as a second language, so I started looking at Vladimir Putin videos on YouTube. He really needs to get a hair transplant though, and get rid of that damn mole - it's not only distracting but it could be dangerous. The Explain the Gay Away game continues on tumblr: - Argument: Cree and Balfe wouldn't keep on teasing him with innuendo if he was really gay. When does he find time for a private life? Its not in her interest for the fans to be put off the show by a gay man playing Jamie. And in Scotland no one cares. Many of those women are travelling to Scotland to stalk Sam. Hes gay. Beards R Us on standby? So Katheryn Winnick scrubbed from Purv's beards list even though she liked one of his posts about Bloodshot? And of course it could fend off those bloody pesky gay rumours that just wont go away, damn them. Just dress him in a two numbers to tight purple suit. Is it my imagination but are Heughans stick thin legs getting even thinner ?Would it not be possible to ' build up ' the lower half of his body to match the top half ? Who the hell styles this guy ? The tweet is in part 36 of the old threads R219/ Part 36 R304. those actors and shows they've previously snubbed. Seems like he was still hopeful back then. Hopefully he has learned a lot about tradecraft by working with them. This has been around for a while but still worth a giggle. And of course the two Ps Purv and Paul, launched another cutsie name Samgia. You outed yourself, genius. [R393] I thought the whisky interview was interesting too and you're correct he does talk about wanting to create his own products. Yep, Sam. But not all, and even one mega-hit with an openly gay actor, particularly in a heroic role, could be a game-changer. The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. Too pricey for my broke ass to do more than enjoy a cocktail in the piano bar, but I'm sure their room rates wouldn't trouble Heughan. A few that seem to be a little more measured than some and represent a bit of a cross section are bootsauce punk (sure he isnt gay); cant resist temptation (maybe), loveislove76 (maybe), its moot point (he is gay). After which, do you post her pages on Facebook? He needs to take a break from the tweeting and the selfies - please, for Christmas. And desperate older women fans can fantasize that they have a chance? He would never pick a real woman, which the other guys at first didn't understand. The most hilarious thing is the amount of people who shares the thought via private message but dont dare bring it up in their blogs because its unpopular and it costs you followers and friendships plus anon hate and the bad fan label. Great look, SH. Surely they won't drag out another beard, but you never know. So for the moment it seems that it's no time/ no personal life - better than laughable beards at least. We all know he knows. Wouldn't be much of a stretch in acting after all. But then it's not nearly as HW and $$ as he seems to be aiming for, so those jeans knees will continue to fray (and the hetero games will continue). Why have they been deemed necessary? Imagine however, if you reacted differently than the above scenario. Bit of a track record, SH. Actual straight guys don't need PR firms, shills, flacks, red carpet rottweilers and beards to disprove anything. Fantasy Drama Ooh, that looks painful. She has the best potential to age gracefully. I didnt do the thing Im about to tell you about that no one here knows anything about!. Busted face. Same time as that flurry of straight washing (bios, facebook, youtube etc) around the time of the release of TSWDM in July 2018. account has now become is $$ expensive face cream. He knows his target fangirl market, particularly in the US. What I saw in all the Fotos and videos from the last couple of days: Every Sam greeting the audience shouts: Mary! A wise blogger recently copied post 345 of this thread onto their blog and expressed their agreement with it. [R365]What is really disgusting is not the DLers but their homophobic reaction to the site. No calf muscles either. Ooops!! seriously though I wonder where this will end, I mean even furniture now??!! One of a kind. ".No, I wasnt here at the start but funny that you mention how that rumor started because I heard it from people who have nothing to do with the fandom, in a context that has nothing to do with TV shows and before I had even watched the show. If you hadnt brought it to their attention, theyd never have known. Let's hope not. ); OL - he likes to think he's bringing Scotland to the world (oh, please! Im no genius, but heres where my mind goes: I called out someone on my private blog who I think is a Tumblr phony, and I said I thought they were Paul Camuso. He's a cut above the rest. {R44] Agree. Your comments on Tumblr read like datalounge. Very interesting post. We've seen countless examples. I don't think he has , what I would call for lack of another word, star presence .at least not enough of it to make him stand out against all the younger competition . Can't imagine many of them will develop a whisky drinking habit and order more.. Agree it makes sound marketing sense for him to suggest parties and photos etc but I can't help finding his manipulation and exploitation of his unwitting , idolising fans deeply distasteful . Follow. So bring on the breadcrumbs. If the bloggers had been fed a name by Heughans P.R. An ageing balding queen who can't find a partner. Interview April 2015 - another time, another Heughan _________ BROWN: Is there a lot of pressure to capitalize on your current success? Watched the Bloodshot trailer with Heughan in his cyber suitthought it made him look kinda sexy.. His career could do with a " stand out " performance , certainly that didn't happen in The Spy Who Dumped Me No idea what his performance is going to like in S.A.S Red Notice.. One problem thoughshe cant act. Take the L, Tumblr ladies. Rant over !! What a toxic waste dump. And serious signs of a cult: fans willingly shelling out money; some of them trailing around the world to attend every event so they can be in the same room as him; some shrieking at other fans who don't seem worshipful enough; vying for his attention to be seen as 'best fans'. We all know he knows. That and the question how OL production will be financed after Brexit and the lost of EU subsidy. Sam roland heughan is a scottish actor of stage, screen, and film productions, and a graduate of the royal scottish academy of music and drama where he was a 2003 nominee for the laurence olivier award for most promising performance for . Viewpoint, Jennifer Allen's PR company, is turning 10 and SH has been on IG praising her - so he must not mind being 'in a cave', in 'a pantomime', having her glued to his armpit in front of the cameras as he gave an interview at one of the premieres a while ago? SH is being stridently taken to task by some 'fans' /bloggers after he dared to make a pretty mild criticism of Trump. Still doesn't work, Sam. Put on a good fitting jeans and a white, perfect ironed shirt (please search Paul Newman for example).