Lisa: But that doesn't mean you have the flu. Lori: Oh Lincoln! After the show Lincoln was so fascinated by the circus, that he stuck around the place afterwards. -Allow me to introduce myself. -Please forgive us Lincoln? pleaded all of his sisters. Pfft, I can do that, said Lynn, as her sisters rolled there eyes. A school officer and three teachers were also killed during the attack. Lincoln: (opening his mouth and sticking out his tongue) Ahh. (voice breaks) And all the things I accidentally did to your things?! Lisa: Whoa. the water an unnamed officer gave Lynch was poisoned when they pour the remains of it in a potted plant, and it immediately withers and dies. Twenty (or so) years ago in Scotland, Lincoln Loud made a terrible mistake with his oldest sister And then for the following twenty years, he continued making similar terrible mistakes with the rest of them. Mr. Let me get Mr. Rolan, said Bruno, as he walked out of the big top to inform Mr. Rolan. Lincoln began to cry, as he hugged the picture. Are you trying to do a "Lincoln Loud" cartoon episode in style of an old cartoon from the 50's? Things get worse when the poor boy is gunned by a criminal (and survives to disown almost the whole family): now the family must be prepared to face the consequences of their actions; at the same time, it becomes clear there was more behind Lincoln getting shot than the boy simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. They all hug Lincoln), (The sisters began to crowd Lincoln, when Lori came in front of them and backed them away). I've had to do all of these nice things for Lincoln, and some of it's been a struggle! Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Lola, Luna, Leni & Lori: Lincoln is Dead? -Thank you so much for taking care of our son, said Mr. I meant no harm, said Lincoln nervously. In a world where metahumans and superheroics are common place, Lincoln Loud is just trying to get through each day with as little fantastical chicanery as possible. After a while of playing the game, Lincoln gets up from the bed and stretches). He shot through 3 flaming hoops before landing into a pool. Losing Him is a The Loud House fanfic, originally written by TvFan2244. Up to 17 students were killed in the shooting. -Yeah! -Let me tell you something Lincoln, said Mr. Rolan, as he approached him. Lincoln: (to the viewer) Normally, Saturdays are usually very fun days. Lisa: I need to see if your eyes are infected. He looked through some of his belongings, and while searching through his backpack he noticed something was in there, he hadn't before. Lincoln turned towards his family, Lincoln: (angry), I don't want to see, or talk to any of you, and with that, he turned around, and headed upstairs, as his entire family sat there completely speechless. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. While he was asleep, Lori snuck in and put a few more blankets on Lincoln, making him warmer), (Lincoln was using crutches to get to the bathroom, but suddenly tripped on one of Lynn's soccer balls. Rita: You're grounded for a whole month. (It starts at night, with Lincoln watching TV with his ten sisters: Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa, and Lily. Thanks! replied Skip. -All right mates, get back in there, said Tobias, as he led his big cats back into their separate cages, as his act came to an end. -Pleased to make your acquaintance Lincoln, said Sebastian, Do you like cotton candy?. Lincoln: At least you never give me any lip, he cradled Lily in his arms. -Mr Rolan, you got to come see what Lincoln can do, said Bruno. Lincoln: That's why my family needs a doctor in the house. Lincoln: Is that why you did all those nice things? The game that Lincoln and Leni were playing is based on the App called Icon Pop Quiz. -We gotta find Lincoln, and make things right, said Lori, as the other sisters all nodded in agreement. What seems to be the problem elder brother? I thought to myself, "What if Lori's behavior caused Lincoln to get hurt?" : POW! I don't know what this one is! Rita: Of course. The following morning Lincoln got off, after a whole night of traveling on the bus. -We've sent men all over town, and if he's still here, we'll have him found in no time, said the second cop. and thanks to Lisa, two familiar faces will be joining him. I never came to this realization, until weeks into planning this. -It's been a blast buddy, said Skip, as he gave Lincoln a big hug. You make circus life sound better and better, said Lincoln. It is not that serious. (Lynn took her soccer ball, while Lori helped Lincoln back on his feet), (Lori walked away, and Lincoln looked more confused, but generous. You're very strong, said Lincoln. -Gotcha! said the barker, as he approached Lincoln. (to the viewer) Lori's never this nice to me. Lori just sighs, and walks away. Rita: I don't know at all. The speakers were loud and Lincoln felt an unholy crankiness come over him as the sound was threatening to knock him off his feet. Lori: (calm tone) Don't leave soccer balls outside your room, Lincoln almost tripped on them. -This house felt empty without you Lincoln, said Leni, as the whole family got close to Lincoln. I can't let it happen, not again! Luan: Why Yes, it was her (points at Lola). -Good news Lincoln, said Mr. Palmer, your family has been notified, and they will come by to pick you up first thing in the morning.. Then his one of his estranged, metahuman sisters drops by for a visit, and that becomes significantly more difficult. Hey he's really good, as his big cat act continued. We've got a spectacular lineup for you tonight so lets get started.. -We have to head back home, said Lori sadly, as she and Leni walked back home. They are a family consisting of two parents, Rita and Lynn Sr., and ten (yes, TEN) daughters, Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn Jr., Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa, and finally, Lily. -Well then, we've got to prepare you for your first show with us Lincoln, said Mr. Rolan. The monkeys and Daisy were all flattered by Lincoln's words, and walked over to meet him. (Lincoln reads a book "How To Die") Mr. Rolan took the flier, and looked at it. -"Whoa! as they got up to go have their dinner. -Oh man this guy is AWESOME, said Lana. Rita: I will call your teacher and tell her that you aren't feeling so good. When his stomach grumbled, he got up on his crutches and tried to go outside. It has been a few weeks since the "No Such Luck" incident. Lincoln was in his room and he sighs. (Lincoln rushed into Lori and Leni's room, and saw the rat head underneath the desk. ELAINA CHASE is one of the most wealthiest witches there are in the wizardingworld, who helped stop. in: Fanfiction, Episodes, Deaths, Episodes focusing on Lincoln Loud Lincoln is Dead View source Lincoln is Dead is a Fanficion Transcript: (Lincoln is walking to the living room) Lincoln: It is a good day to be not dead! Lori: Oh come on Leni! The Loud House . Before he could hit the ground, Lori quickly ran in and caught him). Loud has been taken into custody." The anchorman continued. Meanwhile his sisters, sans Lily were sitting in the living room, still feeling flabbergasted by Lincoln's outburst. Rule number two, and I'll repeat this again! Lori picked him up, and hugged him very tightly, I've really missed you Linc, said Lori as she teared up. She began to think all the stuff she did was pointless, and that Lincoln really did seem like an annoyance to her all this time). Lincoln's sisters go to school. -It's been so great being with you guys, and I've learned so much about how family is important. The crowd were all impressed by Bongo's trick, and they received a big applause. The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. Leni ran over to Lori and she also hugged him very tightly, I totes missed you the most Lincoln, said Leni as she also teared up. The idea from this episode came after I saw the episode Get the Message, where I thought the way Lori treated Lincoln was very disrespectful. Only a few sips and Lynch immediately starts coughing before keeling over dead. But I never realized that it would result in me becoming such a horrible sister. Then, the others came back home). -Oh, I almost forgot, your circus outfit, said Lincoln. -HEY! complained Luan, as her sisters just laughed, while Luan sat there with her arms crossed. -Wow I didn't know Lisa still had this installed here. Uggh. -It's great to meet you to, said Lincoln. -This is the strong man Bruno, said Skip. -I miss him so much, said Lola, as she began to cry. -This is all your fault! shouted Lola towards Lori. I fully accept.. -Thank you so much for your help, said Rita to the two police officers, as they left to continue the search. :What can I do for you?. -That would be just fine, said Lynn Sr. -That's splendid, said Mr. Rolan. So you can stop by, and pick him up first thing in the morning, said the first cop. It was a quiet weekend at the Loud House, and everyone was doing their own usual thing. Why are you disguised like that? Lincoln's Adoption Part 1 Add to Favourites By videogames518 Published: Feb 1, 2019 63 Favourites 28 34.5K Views *The Louds. The Loud sister's have been a massive pain towards the whole town of Royal Woods. and thanks to Lisa, two familiar faces will be joining him. This causes Lincoln to be unsure of himself. (Later, Lincoln was downstairs watching TV. Lincoln took the slide down, and as he walked off, he took one last look at the house, and seemed to really be thinking about what he's doing, but he finally turned around, and walked off. Lincoln Loud & Justice League Lincoln Loud Son Goku (Dragon Ball) Broly (Dragon Ball) Bruce Wayne Clark Kent Diana Prince Multiple Crossovers Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Harem Living with 10 sisters, Lincoln was used to crazy things happening to him. Lincoln: THATS IT! as his sisters and parents all stopped, and were stunned to hear Lincoln sound so angry. -We'll miss you to Lincoln, said Mr. Rolan, but you belong here in Royal Woods, and don't worry you will always be an honorary part of this circus family.. Well come on everybody, we're on next, and the the Palmers, along with Lincoln and the primates all walked out to be introduced. Lincoln: (rises from his bed) I don't feel so good. (laughs), (Lincoln walks downstairs, while Lori keeps an eye on him from her room). Afterwards their act proceeded with the moneys doing there monkey pyramid with back flips, their hoop routine with leaping through the hoops, and then the Palmers and Lincoln catching the spheres as the monkeys threw them through the hoops. -Lincoln! they all shouted, as they rushed over to him. Simon Lynch's boss wanted him dead after Lincoln was shot: he hoped his mole Aaron could get the job done before the police would arrest and interrogate Lynch, but Aaron was too late for that. -Well I suppose I could just set up my tent, and sleep in my sleeping bag under a tree in the park, said Lincoln, as he spoke to the audience. Hope you like it! STAY, OUT, OF MY ROOM! -Of course Mr. Rolan, what's up? asked Lincoln. -We don't know where he is, or if we'll ever see him again, said Lisa. And it's time that they knew that. Lincoln is Done is a fanfiction of The Loud House that has become somewhat controversial due to its characterisation problems and use of the Fandom-Specific Plot of Lincoln running away. -Goodnight! said Lincoln as he went to bed. Your family is even bigger than mine, and you all get along great. Lincoln Loud Needs a Hug. I found this in one of my bags, its a picture of me with my parents and sisters, said Lincoln, as he showed them his family picture. Once again, he turned to the audience. He had seen how the circus folk are all one big functioning family unit, and he was happy to be a part of it, but he felt like something was missing, and he was beginning to wonder if he was feeling homesick. The show was about to commence, and everyone was getting seated. Lori looked really upset and guilty over what she just did to Lincoln. Lori: (turns towards Leni) That's no excuse Leni! Lisa: Can you name the animals in this picture? Linka y su mejor amiga quieren experimentar cosas nuevas y sus hermanos se encargaran de ello. Lincoln: (opening his mouth and sticking out his tongue) Ahh. -Let me handle this girls, said Lynn Sr., What this needs is a little father-son time.. Lucy: Virus. He even skips lunch to avoid vomit later. I'm sorry! -You've always been good to me Lily, said Lincoln, as he lay Lily down into her crib. -Very well Lincoln, we have an extra bed right here you can sleep in, said Mrs. Palmer. Lisa: I will be right back. We go back to the loud house, and everyone is still crying about lincoln 's absence. Lincoln: This is odd. Lincoln: (to the viewer) Yeah, where do you think I got all these bruises from? -Just one moment, said Lincoln, as he prepared to say goodbye to his circus friends. And I promise, that I will never treat you so horribly, ever again. It was true, Lynn Loud conquered every kind of athletic event she participated in. Believe it or not, but I feel teary eyed every time I re-read the part where Lincoln has his goodbye scene with the circus. Lincoln: Okay I can pretty much deal with it. The crowd applauded. Later that night there was a crowd of people all entering the big top, and there was a poster placed outside with Lincoln on it to inform the crowd of the circus' new member. -This is Bongo, said Skip as he brought over one of the monkeys on his shoulder. The people all sat down, as Mr. Rolan came out to announce the show. -Maybe one of us should go talk to him, suggested Leni. What if he tries to miss out on my 18th birthday? Luan: I didn't that was a joke too, you might say this mystery kinda Kills (Laughs) Get It? (Rita and Lynn Sr. walked away, while Lori walked upstairs towards her room). -But when all is said and done, we're always there for each other, and always remember the most important thing in life, is family, said Ezra. -I've never seen someone so young, become accustomed so fast in all my years as a performer, said Ezra. However it was far too late, as Lincoln was already on a Gray Hound bus leaving Royal Woods. there is an actual Loud house movie, you'll need to have seen at least the beginning to undserstand this story. What if he wishes he only had nine sisters instead of ten?! -Hello Lincoln, I'm Winston Palmer, and this is my wife Lara, and our son Skip, said Mr. Palmer. Family is the most important you will ever have.. Would you be interested? Several other students were wounded. Daisy in particular really liked Lincoln, and Lincoln began to do some tricks with her, Skip, and Bongo, which really impressed Mr. and Mrs. Palmer. Rita: *gasp* Oh no. The waitress came to give him a refill on his soda, and noticed all of the bags he had with him. -Goodnight! said the manager, as Lincoln walked out of the motel. Lori: (appears next to Lincoln) Why would I do that? -I can't just go back home, not knowing where my poor little brother is, said Leni, as she started to cry. Lincoln: B-But, what about your phone?! Luan: Going to school when you have a fever is snot the best idea. Lisa: Let me listen to your heart Lincoln. Okay Daisy! -Could you pass the ketchup please? asked Skip, and Tobias passed him the bottle of ketchup for his fries. -Guys! said Lincoln as he gazed upon them in tears for the first time in over a week. Lori: How many times do I have to tell you?! Lincoln: Thanks Lola, but I am already better. I gave you so much fear from me, and I caused you to get hurt! -If only we could see him again, so we could tell him we're sorry, said Lynn. -It is on, said Lynn as she and Lana began to fight. -Goodness Leni, that was quite profound, said Lisa. Loud to Mr. Rolan while shaking his hand. We'll supply all of you with passes to attend the show. Mr. Rolan walked into the big top, and saw how Lincoln was partaking in The Palmers Primate Palooza act, and just like the rest of the circus folk, he was quite impressed with Lincoln's skill. After the show had concluded the Loud family were standing outside the big top waiting for Lincoln to come out. Toffee Cocoa Cuddles Murders Harold McBride. My first Loud House fanfic featuring an original character, Logan Loud, younger brother of Lincoln Loud. Rita was at home with the twins, who were too young to go at the time. Lori: I do, but I've literally had to risk everything I love just for him. I will get you a pail. Are we clear? -HE IS? she uttered, as she opened her eyes. Lynn: Always have to tattle to mommy and daddy huh Linc, , as Lola and Lana laughed at him. Complete. Lynn Sr: Be careful when doing that LJ. Lincoln got tossed, and he went through the hoop successfully, and the crowd was amazed and applauded. The rest of the family heard his scream, and watched as he frantically ran down the stairs. * Lincoln: *is reading a comic book on his bed* I'm glad I have Leni give that speech about how they were all to blame for Lincoln running away, because I feel it gave her a moment of displaying practical wisdom, as well as her optimistic words later on that Lincoln will eventually be found, and things will be set right. -Don't worry Lincoln, we'll be back in Royal Woods next year, said Bruno. She had finally had enough. Lisa: Okay Lincoln. As the show proceeded the various acts of the circus all performed with thunderous applause from the crowd. It was just another evening at the Loud House, but this particular evening was even more chaotic than usual. Loud to Mr. Rolan, -It was our pleasure Mr. and Mrs. Loud., said Mr. Rolan. Hey, it's says here your from Royal Woods, and that's the next stop on our tour. Later that night, Lori headed into her room to get ready for bed, when she noticed that Leni was taking her pillows and blanket off her bed). That only happened once. (Lincoln was shocked to see Lori acting like this), (As Lynn Sr. and Rita wheel Lincoln inside, he looks back at Lori with a confused look. (Watching the video caused Lori to get teary-eyed. Lori: YES! (Leni headed downstairs, while Lori looked really upset. -I'm sorry! Lincoln was just walking around the circus tents, and wondering what life in the circus would be like. -Would you look at that, said Mrs. Palmer. Now, he'll learn that being in an Interracial family, his family will love him no matter what. -Well guys, said Lincoln, as he spoke to his family, we have ten hours till the show tonight, during that time I can introduce you guys to all my new friends. Lori puts Lincoln down and Lincoln introduces his family to the Rolan Circus, and they were more than happy to meet each other. (Lori patted Lincoln on the head, then took her broken phone downstairs). Lincoln: L-Lori! Lincoln: Can I play with Clyde on Friday and have a sleepover? blackpool north pier fishing permit; bradley cooper parents; best prepaid debit card to avoid garnishment You know I didn't mean to hurt Lincoln like that! Lincoln put his head under, and just barely, grabbed the rat with his head. Once it is there. He was unconscious due to all the blood from his broken body). Lisa: Lincoln. He couldn't even hear the words she was speaking even though he was this close, it was like his mind just blacked her voice out. One Boy, Eleven Girls! I guess it was because as I got older, the family got so loud and crowded that I had to become the boss of everyone. -If only you guys knew what it's like back home with ten sisters. Suddenly, Lori started to cry, and she hugged Lincoln, tighter than she had ever done to him before). -Well Lincoln, you can stay with us tonight, but tomorrow once we travel to the next town, and set up, we better contact someone to see where you can go.. Toffee Cocoa Cuddles Murders Harold McBride. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from Completed theloudhouse love klynn +1 more # 17 Pokemon: The Loudest Ranger by Hollowhunter2 10.1K 333 13 Title idea from @Lance1889 check his stories out. Rita: I think you may need a cup of hot chicken noodle soup. -Okay buddy now it's time to show them your trick with Daisy, said Skip, as Lincoln went up to Daisy, so they could start. -Hurry, hurry ladies and gentlemen step right up, said the ticket guy, as Lincoln approached to purchase a ticket. I would understand if it was someone like Luna or Leni. He was already a few towns over, and didn't know where he was. -And now ladies and gentlemen, get ready for our very own Palmers Primate Palooza, with the newest member of our circus family, LINCOLN LOUD! shouted Mr. Rolan, as they all came out to start their show to a receptive crowd. -This is all our fault, said Lori, about to break into tears. My name is Lincoln, Lincoln Loud. (Yes, NSL, STFU). Rita: No Lincoln. You nearly prevented me from getting hurt. You never listen to what I have to say, do you?! -Well, we've searched high and low, and no sign of your son, said the first cop. Resume whatever it is you are doing. It all starts out in the Loud House. Again with this? -The kid's impressive, said Bruno. The primate act drew to a close, and then Mr. Rolan came back out, and with the rest of the cast all prepared to do the finale to close the show for the night. The parts with Lily at the beginning were added in shorty before finishing up, because I felt like I needed some nice moments to supplement the depressing tone at the beginning. -It's wonderful to meet all of you, said Lincoln. Hey Bruno! said Mr. Rolan.