It is a member of the United Nations, the Commonwealth, NATO, the G8, and formerly the EU. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 13 June 2020. More than 80% of the UK's population lives in England. He also served as a pilot in the Royal Air Force during World War II. I would stress, therefore, that passports are not very good security checks. Read our methodology to see how the scores and rankings were calculated. The passport was quite recent having been issued only 4 years earlier in May of 1950. There's also another possibility to consider I'm noticing and unusual amount of strange phenomenon seemed to occur in July in the late 40s and 1950s. [59] Zegrus claimed to be from a city called Tamanrasset, which is a real city in Algeria. It's almost as if that word was made up just for lulz. I havent been able to find a single earlier reference. If you are denied entry into Japan they put you in immigration jail while they wait for the airlines to repatriate you (the airlines are responsible for repatriating you, they will try to get the money from you in advance if you don't have a return flight, they'll often hold you for several days waiting for a free seat). It was when he gave his passport to the immigration officer, the confusion started. The storys first telling seems to be in a book called The Directory of Possibilities, published in 1981. Turn out, it doesn't even exist. El hombre aseguraba que su patria se encontraba en Europa, pero dado que los agentes no saban de su existencia dijo que era normal que no les sonase su nombre en Japn. All is well on this front, and Id like to announce that AnonyJoolz will have a piece examining the mystery in Issue 404 or 405 of the Fortean Times. Your membership is the foundation of our sustainability and resilience. The story continues that since the passport didn't appear to be counterfeit aside from the made-up country, the police took the man in to ask some questions. A man from another dimension bearing a passport from the nonexistent country of Taured showed up at a Japanese airport in the 1950s and then mysteriously vanished. The general consensus is that we don't know how many Universes there are out there in outer space. According to Mathew (emboldenings again mine): My hon. Spoiler for Passport Pria Taured: Insiden ini terjadi pada tahun 1954 di Jepang. Every culture has an explanation about how we got here. The world of urban legend is one of the areas of the internet and the world prefer to live in. Let me help you with this little tidbit. What if, after hours and hours of searching the globe, you still couldnt find it. To impress officials, he invented a nation, a capital, a people and a language. In fact, the internet is full of people replicating the story and using it as evidence for alternate realities. His ultimate fate is unknown. He was dubbed as the "Mystery Man" ( ) by Japanese news at the time, and became a prototype for some . Mr. Zegrus wanted to travel round the world. There is a story, questionable at best, that a man arrived in the 1950's in Japan with an authentic looking passport supposedly from the country of Taured. And to make matters worse, all of his personal documentsincluding his passport and drivers license issued by the mystery countryvanished from the airport's security room. Unfortunately for him, the Japanese authorities werent impressed by Zegruss stories, and he was thrown in jail to await trial, marking the end of his long journey. back out again with the proper spelling without knowing what they were originally in the first place). Textbook Solution from Read more. Upon the mans urging, the officials checked the rest of his story. He had with him a passport of the state of Taured and several other documents issued by that state. The ending is so bad that I had to reread it to make sure I hadn't, myself, slipped inexplicably into another dimension where literature is clearly not revered. It read: "Rch ubwaii ochtra negussi habessi trwap turapa." Officials take him to a nearby hotel room, on the top floor, and put him under guard. Last year, u/NatanaelAntonioli posted to r/japan about the story. The United Kingdom is a state made up of the historic countries of England, Wales and Scotland, as well as Northern Ireland. A debate in the British House of Commons at the time showed that Zegrus described himself as an intelligence agent for Colonel Nasser and a naturalised Ethiopian. It has numerous smaller islands. Absolute Monarchy - United Kingdom of Taured Constitutional Monarchy - Principality of Taured Republic - United Taured Republic Technocracy - Shapers Nation Communism - People's Republic of Taured Stratocracy - Tauredian Military Junta Angelocracy - Church of Taured Environmentalism - Green Earth Taured Hi! Snopes went on to point out that Zegrus was sentenced to a year in prison for entering the country with a fake passport. But then I found two Reddit posts thatI can say with some certaintycracked the entire case. The company for which he claims to work has never heard of him. No one has ever been able to find any Haneda Airport documentation or contemporary newspaper articles about itor any evidence whatsoever. However, when officials took a look at his ID, they were baffled to see that he was from a country that doesn't exist called Taured. The man presented travelers checks, his companys name, and a wallet full of foreign currencies. What if these New Planets do have Human Being's that live on these Planet's an perhaps the man told the Truth he was from Tauran accept it exists on one of those Planet's. A man was arrested in Japan in 1959 for using a false passport he created, one supposedly issued by a nonexistent country. And remember that the Wilson/Grant book says nothing more than that the man produced papers issued by the nation of Taured.. The defendant, said to be fluent in 14 languages, told investigators that he had come to Japan on orders from an Arab-related organization and was working for a U.S. intelligence agency, but these claims were not true. Report abuse. United nations airway bill receipt. Or does it turn a decades-old tall-tale into a believable journey across the world? This man has been described as Caucasian with a beard. The United Kingdom has 4 constituent countries, England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. -, Press J to jump to the feed. Eventually, the man was held by the officers, as they were suspicious that he might be some kind of criminal. The United Kingdoms Worrying Drift Towards Thought Crimes, The Problem with the Wild Wests Bank Robber Bounty, Fake Anthrax: How Harmless Powder Costs the Government Millions. But the more we ponder on Mr. Zegrus, the more we wish there were really a capital called Tamanrasset, in the delectable county of Tuared south of the Sahara, with a language like the one Zegrus invented. Assuming that maybe he was a spy or criminal, the officers then asked him why he was in Japan, although again this led to a dead end. Tetapi apa pun yang terjadi sejak saat itu dan seterusnya, membuat semua orang bingung dan prihatin. Antonioli also linked to a 1960 speech by British M.P. A totally unlikeable protagonist goes on a clichd romp through an alternative reality. That section of the story reads like a later addition to make the reader think the guy really did come from an alternate universe. The man grew frustrated. the name of the country, Negusi Habesi Ghouloulouloul Esprit, was completely fictitious, Bolding mine, that just made me chuckle , Actually, I think that was just the Deepl machine translation engine bugging out. United Kingdom ialah sebuah anggota tetap Majlis Keselamatan Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu, anggota Negara-Negara Komanwel, G8, G7, G20, NATO, OECD, WTO, Majlis Eropah, OSCE, dan Kesatuan Eropah. But, of course, they hadnt. They must have heard of it. Source: The United Kingdom was part of the European Union from 1973 until 'Brexit' was finalised on 3 1 December 2020 when the transition period (from 31 January 2020) ended with new arrangements between the EU and the UK. The hard-nosed, hard-working, humorless population of 3.271 billion Tauredians are either ruled by a . I do not care to read anything having to do with Snopes referencing toward anything to do with science, history and present education, Ever. Well, thats certainly interesting. Throughout the history of civilization, the concept of the apocalypse has been ever present, in one way or another. The man also stated that he had never had similar problems in all his previous business trips around the world. In the end Zegrus was sentenced to a year in prison, but this was due mostly to the forged cheques he had cashed in Japan. The officials pointed out the discrepancy in his story, reiterating their inability to allow anyone into Japan with a passport from a non-existent country. In evidence, he describes himself as an intelligence agent for Colonel Nasser and a naturalized Ethiopian. the "Mystery of the Man from Taured," involves both of these elements: The report of the man "from a parallel universe" who inexplicably showed up at a Tokyo airport in 1954 bearing a passport from the nonexistent country of "Taured" and then just as bafflingly disappeared from police custody is typically related in a number of mostly similar variant forms, such as the following account of the supposed mystery man from Taured: Its July 1954; a hot day. He is questioned by the authorities, and his passport is examined. His conversation with the custom officials is absolutely mind-boggling. (Ancient Origins) -Juli 1954, muncul seorang pria berpakaian rapi di Bandara Haneda di Tokyo, Jepang. Upon searching the airport, though, the officials discovered that all the mans papers, including his passport and ID, were no longer anywhere to be found. A summary of a Japanese radio broadcast from December 1961 suggested that Zegrus had not only been making use of a phony passport, but he had also been passing bad checks and claiming to be an agent of both the FBI and CIA: The Tokyo District Court 22 December [1961] sentenced John Allen K. Zegrus, a man without nationality, to one year imprisonment for having illegally entered Japan and passing phony checks. De acuerdo al misterioso viajero el pas inexistente est entre Francia y Espaa. When he was asked for his passport, he gave the official his passport. A debate in the British House of Commons on July 29, 1960, on the subject of frontier formalities (i.e., the administrative process by which a person enters the territory of another country) included mention of a man named John Alan Zegrus, who was then being prosecuted in Japan for using a false passport: My hon. When the accused was cross-examined he said that it was a state of 2 million population somewhere south of the Sahara. Upon deeper interrogation, he claimed to be a naturalized Ethiopian citizen and a compatriot of Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser. Everything seems to be going normally until the man gives customs officials his passport. Flag. He/she linked to an Aug. 15, 1960, clipping from Vancouvers The Province, which told the story of conman John Allen Kuchar Zegrus (emboldenings mine): Mr. Zegrus wanted to travel the world. I will note that in the OP. He has money from several different (real) European countries. The forged passport Zegrus used to enter the country was handmade, and the name of the country it bore, Negusi Habesi Ghouloulouloul Esprit, was completely fictitious. Now four constituent nations form the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland). John Allen Kuchar Zegrus invented them. The mystery man claimed that it was the third time he was visiting Japan from his country. Well, now we can put these rumours to bed - turns out, the man never did vanish into thin air. Just to be clear, Tamanrasset is a real place in southern Algeria in the Sahara desert. Hence, it could be one of those stories which could have emerged from Wilson's imagination. It comprises the island of Great Britain, the north-east part of the island of Ireland and many small islands. On that particular day, a man was said to have arrived at Haneda Airport, known also as Tokyo International Airport. These were explored in a recent TikTok video from the account @reddit.journal, which explained that the most commonly believed is that the man was a secret agent. Facts about the UK Geo Superlatives. The Japanese official didnt recognize the country of origin. United Kingdom of Taured's government is a Constitutional Monarchy with very moderate social policies. Saat mengetahui negaranya tidak ada di dalam peta, pria misterius itu mengatakan bahwa negara Taured sudah ada sejak 1.000 tahun yang lalu. Would you believe it exists? Not to worry, the officials thought. Someone brings out a map, and the man identifies Taured as a location between France and Spainwhere the real-world microstate of Andorra is. Who on earth was Zegrus (a name that sounds Martian), and why did he try to kill himself? John Allen Kuchar Zegrus invented them. Although, it has been established by Astronomers and Astrophysicist that those Planet's well they're simply too far away to attempt The Voyage. No Change in Rank from 2021. Moreover, all of his personal documents, such as his passport and drivers license, also (conveniently) disappeared, thus making this strange mystery even more difficult to resolve. A man arrives at Tokyo airport in Japan. I love this sort of thing. There are around 200 countries in the world, 28 of which are smaller than the tiny American state of Rhode Island. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) is an island country that sits north-west of mainland Europe. He then used it to travel throughout the Middle East, before being caught lying by the efficient Japanese. La locuzione Uniferesi Britanik deoi Taured tradotta con "The United Kingdom of Taured". He can speak Japanese and says his native language is French. The story of the man from Taured details the man trying to convince the immigration officers that Taured does indeed exist. Megalithic Sites Are More than Just Stone, Evidence that Noahs Ark Landed on a Mountain 17 Miles South of Ararat, Library in Stone: The Ica Stones of Professor Cabrera Part I, Two Sides to Every Story: The North American Martyrs Shrines and Indigenous/ Roman Catholic Relations, The Origins of the Faeries: Encoded in our Cultures Part I, Curse of the Buried Pearl: The Hunt for Ancient Treasures Part I, The Enigma of the Shugborough Inscription, Ten Bizarre Mysteries Across Time and Space, Not Just an Urban Legend: The Terrifying Ghostly Tales of the Lady in White, Time Travel from Ancient Mythology to Modern Science. Traditionally Tuareg existed supranationally owing to their nomadic lifestyle. It is written in a language unknown and it has remained un-identified although it has been studied for a long time by philologists. Another proposal is that the man was a time traveler from the future, though this interpretation is arguably more problematic than the one supposing inter-dimensional travel. Snopes cannot be trusted as a non-biased site. Thankfully, the man spoke Japanese, though with a slight French accent, and was able to tell his story to the airport official. Following this line of logic, the hypothesis is that there is a parallel Earth, similar to our own, with the exception that the location known as Andorra here is known as Taured over there. The passport looked genuine, except for the fact that there is no such country as Taured well, at least in our dimension. Many, including Bryan Alaspa and Jeremy Bates who both wrote books inspired by the story of the man from Taured, have tried to explain this bizarre event, by delving into possibilities which usually belong to the realms of science fiction . Post-Truth Politics: Why the Facts Dont Really Matter, The Two Junior US Government Employees Who Divided Korea, Lse Majest: When its Illegal to Insult the President, The Berlin Blockade: The Story of Historys Most Incredible Airlift. I have first a science Question then a Science fiction Question. Project MKUltra: The CIAs Attempt at Psychedelic Mind Control. The nature of the text on the passport was also unclear, defying attempts of a linguistic specialist to identify the language it was written in. This information confused the customs officials, as they had never heard of the small country. In his universe, the country of Taured was founded over 1,000 years ago, and Andorra was just as fictional to him as Taured was to those Japanese officials. That was originally where I stopped my post, more or less. The Taured mystery is one that has puzzled us for generations. Too many of the details remain unclear or improbable, if not impossible. The Man from Taured is a legend that allegedly takes place in July 1954 at the Haneda Airport in Tokyo, Japan. But the officials are suspicious. Thank you for posting this! The passport looked authentic, but it was issued by a . It was a hot day in July 1954 when a smartly dressed man arrives at Haneda Airport in Tokyo, Japan. John Zegrus. So what about the rest of the story? Replies analysing and speculating over the mystery and possible explanations are encouraged. His work often required him to travel internationally, and he had picked up Japanese during his regular visits to the country over the past five years. Security checked his room and found it completely empty, with no trace whatsoever of any occupant. In one account, when the man handed over his passport to be stamped the Japanese immigration officer noticed something strange. they were like, "eh, its a made up name, so I guess Ill gust make up a name", The way it sounds like this country's got two middle names and a surname makes it even better! Robert Mathew, published in Hansard. The hotel he claimed to have a reservation for had never heard of him either. This tale was posted here in 2014, and u/Meginsanity found what I think is the earliest-known reference to the story, in Colin Wilson and John Grants The Directory of Possibilities (1981). Hes never heard of Andorra, and cant understand why his homeland of Taured isnt there. Pha cnh st Nht Bn cng khng khng chc chn v vic khng c quc gia Taured no tng c cng nhn trong lch s. 5.0 out of 5 stars Definitely worth a read. He said that Taured was a small country between France, and Spain. Officials asked him to point out Taured on a map, and he directed them to an area known as the Principality of Andorra on the border of France and Spain. The book conspicuously lacks any sources for this tale, and the author has faced accusations of fabricating it to sell more copies. The Chinese Room: Can Computers Be Conscious? Headquartered in every part of the world, with offices in united kingdom, we provide issuers global solutions through local access points. The British constitution is uncodified; it is only partly written and is flexible. The traveller was a well-spoken . It's in Part 3, "Strange Creatures and Unusual Events," under "Appearing People." And in 1954 a passport check in Japan is alleged to have produced a man with papers issued by the nation of Taured. Helpful. When asked to point to the country on the map,. The countries primary and native language was French. However it is just a piece of science fiction. In another version, the man mentioned that he was from Taured, and when the immigration officer did not believe him, he showed his passport. So while the country of "Tuarid" might be fictitious it is obviously based on a very real place and people who have traditionally eschewed ideas of nationality and place. Ohmigod thats where the Age of Empires monks come from. Almost more bizarre too, with John attempting to kill himself in front of the judge after receiving a one year sentence. One of my favorites, of course, is the supposedly true tale of The Man From Taured. When shown a map, the man from Taured pointed to the area occupied by the Principality of Andorra, and was puzzled as to why his country had been given a different name on the map. [2] (sic) (this could be misspelled, other sources use Tuared). Thegoal of Ancient Origins is to highlight recent archaeological discoveries, peer-reviewed academic research and evidence, as well as offering alternative viewpoints and explanations of science, archaeology, mythology, religion and history around the globe. The passport is stated to have been issued in Tamanrosset the capital of the independent sovereign state of Tuarid. His passport listed a country known as the United Kingdom of Taured that none of the officials had ever heard of. Verified Purchase. In 1960 news began to spread throughout the Western world, primarily the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, of a man named John Allen Kuchar Zegrus. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 16 April 2020. Taured 1000 . I only found Anonys research today and immediately edited this post to give them credit for putting the pieces together a year before I did. Lanjut ke misteri 'Pria Dari Taured'. The Most Serene Principality of United Taured is a massive, cultured nation, ruled by Her Royal Highness Princess Margret with an even hand, and renowned for its ubiquitous missile silos, otherworldly petting zoo, and parental licensing program. Then, two things happened: either Chaos or Gaia created the universe as we know it, or Ouranos and Tethys gave birth to the first beings. Hes from Taured. I cant help but wonder if this was yet another one of his attempted cons, either pulled off and perfectly misunderstood by the people who saw it/reported on it, or failed somehow. [Zegruss] gallant gesture for the individualist, unfortunately, ended with the Japanese in Tokyo. United Kingdom country profile. Clearly, much of the mans story seemed plausible, but the official couldnt let someone into his country with a passport from somewhere he had never heard of. Snopes and the logo are registered service marks of How many New Planets has Astronomy discovered in recent year's which are purported to be similar too Earth? Baffled, they took him to a local hotel and placed him in a room with two guards outside until they could get to the bottom of the mystery.