1976 Follow 2.6k Followers Bio Street artist David Choe's fiercely imaginative paintings reference comics, gothic art, Surrealism, pornography, and fashion illustration. His images show two packs hunting baboons on the banks of . As well as the wild meat they eat the fruit of the baobab tree, which is crushed to make a citrus-flavoured milkshake and wild tubers tasting similar to turnips and celery. , updated INCREDIBLE images show African tribesman looming over a dead baboon as they prepare to butcher the fruits of their hunt. var _g1; I dont even read that. He added: Hes a writer you shouldnt trust writers. WTF In the first episode, he chats with Ms. Akira, a porn actress and one of Mr. Choes longtime friends, who is pregnant. } Choe and his work have also been the subject of controversy. forms: { As Choe told Stern, at that time "Facebook was a joke." He called himself a narcissist and a liar. A Hadza man smokes marijuana rolled in newspaper. var copyText = document.getElementById("mref-link-buddypress-profile"); living with . var macegallery = {"i18n":{"of":"of"},"html":"\n