It can feel like life has hit an all-time low. Tonerin: A Potential New Treatment Option for High Blood Pressure? Youre welcome! Required fields are marked *. The answers to his prayers may be withheld because he's not showing mercy to his wife. There was nothing in the post that suggested that were stupid nor ignorant. My darling, you couldnt be more off-base. Thanks alot for the teachings it lifted me up so much.May God almigty bless us all. What is the connection between prayer and fasting. Are our prayers being answered but we don't see or can tell? Do they seem like the kind of a person who would bring out the best in me? Does God Answer Prayers On Relationships? That is that I AM saved and I just need to give my problems to the Lord and forget about it as He will take care of it because we cant! And if we know that . Interdum velit euismod in pellentesque. For God to answer our prayers, we need to be in a deep relationship with Him. What if you could change it to something better? God NEVER contradicts Himself and is always in keeping with His word. Thank you so much sister for your encourage .I was really touched and pray God to give you more to share with us. Nevertheless, this will only happen if God is in the center of your relationship or marriage and if the person you consider to be your future wife or husband is Gods will for your life, and remember Gods timing is always the best (Ecclesiastes 3:11). ), 54 Strong Faith In God Quotes (That Will Motivate You. We use cookies to optimize our website and our service. It would be an added bonus if he or she were also a Christian. Of course this is just a story but I think that it points out that we need to be open to the many ways that God may speak to us. Perhaps it should, but more often than not, it isnt. Let me conclude by stating that you and I should always be praying and seeking Gods guidance in everything we do. In Numbers 22 the Bible advice us that God actually opened the mouth of a donkey (okay they called it an ass) to speak to Balaam. You need to understand that the most important relationship you can ever have here on earth is the one with God as only that relationship will never fail you and meet the greatest needs and desires of your heart that human relationships just cannot meet. Part 2, Internet Dating Addiction: Is the Internet your drug of choice? Thanks for the encouraging words. God is your Father The Apostle Paul taught, "We are the offspring of God" (Acts 17:29). If that person isnt right for you, God would rather have you break up with that person and suffer a temporary heartbreak rather than being miserable with the wrong person you initially thought was right for you for the rest of your life. But the fact is, God does answer prayer. Its so uplifting to give it to God then do what He says. We have been dating almost 2yrs now. I also spend a lot of time kvetching about if Im saved or is Always. Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! God always answers prayer, but sometimes the answer is "no," and sometimes God says "wait." In Isaiah 55:8-9 , God tells us: "'For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your . There are many reasons why He answers our prayers when we pray for help with a relationship. Or He may give you a vision or dream in answer to your request. The waters began to rise and the police came by again in a boat to take him to safety. Him alto I want a last chance from my ex boyfriend. Join Christian Singles For Free Short Prayer For Protection From Evil Spirits That Works. 63 Godly Wisdom Quotes (That Will Make You Wiser Today. Heres the thing. But FirstDoes God Really Answer Prayers? Staying alive and doing "this or that.". God answers all prayers by those who believe in him and trust him as their savior. Whatever it is that you're praying for, whether a spouse, a house, a car, school, a job, whatever it is, it's not the prize. Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | Affiliate Disclosure | Contact | T&C |. 2. No. Gods answer is the best answer we want Hi. God wants you to bring your concerns to Him, and He has promised to listen when you do. He took the treatment, and the difference that it made within a few weeks was amazing to observe. If we want to grow and mature in prayer, we dont need to set a timer. And while we don . It can feel as if prayer isnt working, but it doesnt mean were doing anything wrong. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This person could be a pastor or a trained counsellor. The Lord instructed us to pray. God knows best though! Studying communication explains how prayer fosters a relationship between ourselves and God, and with other people. He will show you what direction to go or remind you of something important that may have been forgotten. God is wonderful . [+ Sermon On Overcoming Sin], 7 Major Characteristics of Sin That Make Us Do Bad Things. The FATHER knows best! God can be silent. The reason why this can be difficult sometimes is that we live in a society where everyone wants what they want now. He answers all our prayers, but sometimes His answer is "no.". 3. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him (James 1:5). Share each others burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ. Relationship advice Did I hear God saying yes to my relationship? As an example: If you had a heart ailment and wanted to seek out the best doctor to work with you, would his/her being a Christian be at the top of your list of requirements? Do you use whatsapp or something. The five keys to answered prayer are: 1. I pray he respects and loves me again. Perhaps one of the most insightful parts of Scripture when it comes to answered prayer request is found in 1 John 5:14-15. Bonus: As a bonus for joining my weekly newsletter, get this free How to Pray for Faith and Trust Cheat Sheet. God gives to us; we dont give to God. Of course, He totally can if He wants to. But since a month ago. As we spent time together I learned that he was currently seeing a doctor at Stanford Medical University. Otherwise temptation will overpower you. Like there is no one to turn to for help or comfort and that life is not worth living?. However, one who has never trusted in Jesus as his personal Savior should be reminded that if his only point in . I feel so worthless and unloveable most of the time. You may be living a life that looks gorgeous from the outside but fits you like a cheap suit. This is where prayer comes in. Our approach to prayer (and our practice) is often an amalgam of platitudes, folk religion, and basic biblical truths, rather than an exegetically rigorous and theologically rich account of the teaching of the Bible. I think sometimes God wants us to wait or to learn some lessons and you need to pray to God to give you the wisdom to understand what you should do, and it must feel right in your gut. He is saying he wont take me back for a last and finally chance I want to make it up to him and I want him back so god can u please help me. But the deep inner knowing He gives you through the power of His Holy Spiritwho indwells you as a born-again believer in Jesus Christis just as valid. Please leave your comment below. Please leave your comment below. Jesus did this with Saul on the Damascus road. How should a Christian respond to unanswered prayer? While you will often find me recommending that you consider finding a Christian counsellor to help guide you to process some issues in your life, I think, however, that it is even more important that you find a counsellor who is the best trained and experienced to work in the area where you need guidance. Im here to tell you that God loves you dearly. We are all so busy with our lives that it can be hard to find time for God. Youre very welcome Theres lots more right here on the blog. 63 True Christian Quotes To Live By (+ Powerful Sermon). I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. Even more? God may also answer your prayers through godly wisdom and counsel. Its a common occurrence in life, and it can be difficult to navigate what feels like an impossible situation. Dont be afraid to ask him for anything, and dont hold back any burdens from him. The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea (Habakkuk 2:14). However in John 16 Jesus states that what we ask for must be in Christs name before the Father will give it to us. All rights reserved. "I can't hear you." Sometimes the Lord can't hear us when we pray. Have you ever felt like your emotions are being pulled in every direction? Its so easy to compare yourself to others and think that if someone else has it then I deserve it too. If youre like me, once youve decided you want something, you latch onto what you think is the best way it should happen for you. Has God been answering some of your prayer for relationship and you were not aware? What this means to me is that our Spirit should continually be seeking the Spirit of God in everything we think and do. But where instead you care more about changing peoples lives in ways you never thought of or wanted to before. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Im Kris, and I used to think my God-given dreams were stupid and impossible. The apostle Peter exhorts us, [Cast] all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you (1 Peter 5:7) all your anxieties, even your mundane and material ones. So good,so applicable to my life,my journey right now,it is confirmation. I need your help. Consider tweaking your prayers from asking God to miraculously rescue you from your choices, and instead ask Him for the strength and resolve to make healthy new ones. So, If Im called to another (additional) alter, will I approach with Gifted FAITH? The gospel yells at us, You are weak and sinful, flawed, and needy but God is strong, gracious, and good and ready to answer. Plus one less common way, which well leave for last. Be warned, though: Dont mistake your desire for Gods will. Related:54 Godly Relationship Quotes To Prepare You For Marriage [+ Sermon]. Lets explore some signs that Hes answering you, so you can start hearing Him. Relationships and love are very crucial in our lives. How Do I Know If God Wants Me To Be With Someone? Everything that happens is God's will in this sense. I have found at least six basic prayers God will always answer. We all know we should pray more. This is SO not helpful. This pain is the worst but I am sure it will lead us to a joy we have never experience before. Thats why you need to pray that God would give you a relationship with someone who is perfect for you! You may be re-praying an already answered prayer because youre missing what God says. I like an old illustration that points out how God speaks. The core of the gospel is that we have nothing, contribute nothing, bring nothing to God. Why? Having an intimate relationship with God is what will set the foundation of all the happy and healthy deep fulfilling human relationships we all desire and long for in our hearts. may the Lord touch their hearts and reveal himself to them so they come to him. But every human is imperfect and therefore, relating with them is sometimes hard. Nothings wrong with trying to figure things out on your own sometimes. Before we dive into the signs, please know that God can answer your prayers however He wants. But now its been 9 days since she broke up with me citing my insecurities. When we actually look at what the Bible teaches about prayer, it is surprisingly simple: to pray is to ask God to do what he has promised to do through Christ. I was right where youre at nowtoo often to count. When God answers "wait" to our prayers. Please readour previous blogon asimilar topic: Struggle for an answer from God. Just trust Him with your future and everything will work out just as he planned. Jesus teaches us to pray and to freely ask our Father for the desires of our heart: Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. And if we know that he hears us -- whatever we ask -- we know that we have what we asked of him." 6 God answers our prayers according to his will (and according to his wisdom, his love for us, his holiness, etc.). We can ask for whatever we want, knowing that God will not give us anything bad for us, but only what is good for us (Luke 11:1113). Sometimes he says, "yes.". 63 Salvation Quotes To Help You Become Truly Saved. You are not the only one facing struggles or challenges. I hope these will help you in this difficult time. I pray that you will take my advice and make your life about Jesus Christ instead of yourself. Talking to the God who chose us, saved us, and sustains us should be the most natural and delightful thing in the world, shouldnt it? God will always say Yes when we ask him to do his work through his word. One of the simplest reasons to spend time in prayer is because the Lord taught us to pray. The most important thing to do when it comes to thinking about prayer is to let God speak. To Suffer For Christ Is Gain Real Meaning & Benefits. First key to answered prayer: Ask God in prayer Yes, God answers prayers. Well talk all about them in a minute. With that said, let us answer our question today, does God answer prayers about relationships, to help you know whether God answers prayers concerning relationships with references to bible verses in both the old testament and the new testament. Now you know the 3 ways God answers prayers. Well, as it turns out, youre the deaf one. We all want to be happy, and were willing to do anything for it. Would I enjoy spending time with them? How God answers prayers is a mystery, but there are a few things we know for sure. We would all make a shipwreck of our life and the lives of those around us if God did not intervene. I feel really old to start anything new, and build my new life from scratch, I fear I am never going to have children and find love again and I feel humiliated now I have to tell everyone that there is not going to be a weeding anymore I feel I didnt listen to God before and this is my punishmentI pray for love to win and I pray that God will forgive me for being so stubborn, I pray that He guides me into the place he wants me to be and the person He wants me to be with and although I am scared after reading this article I kind of feel better. It can bring comfort and relief in times of need, or be a way for those who are hurting to find hope. First, we know that God hears all our prayers. Youre the best! Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows. His own heart will begin to grow cold, and his own prayer life will dry up. Every single one. He is so much traumatized as I am coz we love loved each other so much. }, How To Pray For An Evil Person [Whos Hurt You Badly? Great one . Thank you for sharing. Here is another thought that I would like for you to consider. This is why we have so many heartbreaks and broken marriages in society today as most people dont understand what true love is but are led by their lustful desires or feelings of the flesh that they mistake for love. Every once in a while I come to my senses. When asking or giving forgiveness. Like He did for Corneliusa God-fearing, praying man (Acts 10:1-2). Required fields are marked *. It is a very hard thing for those of us in this get it in under a minute times to wait on God like they did in 400B.C.. Even though prayer may not seem like an answer in the moment, it does play a part in how great our relationships feel. In the Bible, there's a book called Psalm. Finally, remember that God always answers our prayers. We can pray for healing so that we can move forward with our lives without being held back by fear or anger from the past; these things will only cause more harm than good if they are left unchecked. Required fields are marked *. Third, we know that He always answers our prayers in His perfect will and timing. About the ninth hour of the day he saw clearly in a vision an angel of God come in and say to him, Cornelius. And he stared at him in terror and said, What is it, Lord? And he said to him, Your prayers and your alms have ascended as a memorial before God. There are many ways but here are a few that He often uses: Wise choices are the basis for successful living. to signal when the right one arrives. is obvious. 45 When God Sends You The Right Person Quotes. been relationship 3yrs we had our hardships god do answer prayer im in love with this guy i never loved no one like him im lost confuse we distance ourselves at times but the distance never been 4 to five days im prayer on behalf of my relationships because i just dont love him im in love with him he started to lie to me now im just praying for the lord to to fix this because i want him to be my husband one, Your email address will not be published. When things dont go as planned, the temptation is for us to blame someone else or something outside of ourselveseven when there may be a spiritual element involved that goes beyond what we know. He has promised never to leave us nor forsake us and to answer our prayers according to His will (Psalm 145:18). I feel your pain, Lynn, especially having been in an emotionally abusive relationship myself. Some people ask why God doesn't answer, or doesn't always answer, their prayers. If it is an issue other than spiritual, I strongly encourage you to only see a counsellor OR a pastor trained and experienced in counselling. 1. Oh, and that were too dumb to see where He has answered our prayers, etc. Why Is Quiet Time With God Important [With Illustrations], 7 Major Root Causes Of Sin (That Causes People To Sin. As you wait on the Lord, He will grant you patience and insight to know when your partner is right for you. these three are atheists. But I do trust. We hope that everything goes well for you two. What should we do in order for us to part ways? He really going to help me? Good friends are open and sincere. In fact, God answers every prayer. Euismod nisi porta lorem mollis. It is not so we get our own way! I am in pain. I would want a doctor who had the training AND experience with the ailment that I was confronting. Is there evidence that God answers prayer? Remember your gut feeling, your conscience, the Holy Spirit tells you a lot through those uncomfortable feelings. Is it possible God will give me something as i prayed and then take it away? -We humans are imperfect. Knowing what kind of qualities you want in a partner is crucial so that once the time comes where God blesses you with one, they will know how to love you well. How can we do this practically? I have been struggling with the fact of if I am being heard or ignored. How Do I Know When My Prayer Is Answered? That is what is happening. In both of these texts, the will of God refers to God's control over all that happens: "All things.". But there is hope: grace. We have been in a long distance relationship. ), 63 Short God Quotes (To Help You Know God Better. Which sucks if this is you because God doesnt work on anyones timetable except His. When we expect God to answer a prayer in a particular way and He doesn't, we run the risk of questioning our faith and getting angry with Him. What about the times when it seems as though nothing will ever get better, and everything just feels hopeless? And I will be their God, and they shall be my people. One can pray such a prayer with the confidence that God will answer and receive him or her by His grace into the assurance of salvation and eternal life. Answer The short answer to this question is, "Yes!" God has promised that, when we ask for things that are in accordance with His will for our lives, He will give us what we ask for ( 1 John 5:14-15 ). 5 Simple but Surprising Reasons. Who could possibly be surprised if, as I did, youve come to all sorts of wrong conclusions because of what seems like His lack of an answer? God was showing me that I already had the love I was desperately seeking from my partnerfrom God Himself. I have been in an 8 year long relationship, we got engaged this summer and somehow we have been fighting about nothing and everything, and we separated a few weeks ago, he ask me to leaveI feel devastated. A young professional man in his 30s came to me because he was wrestling with severe anxiety attacks. If youre struggling with a relationship problem, prayer may help answer your prayers about relationships. In order to have a fulfilling life, we need to be focused on the things that matter most. I have a crucial question I need an answer for: will God say no to my request from the first time I query it or after a long wait he will say no? Its also your job to do what He tells you, when He tells you. For example, as I spiraled into feeling more and more unworthy and unloved in my toxic relationship, I kept praying for my partner to love me. Thankfully, God answers those questions for us in His Word. I. But Hell do it in His way and timing, which is always the right time, even when it feels long in coming. Thank u & thank u heavenly father luv always your daughter stacie. Like I did for way too long in my good-looking, toxic relationship. Felt such a relief reading your blog. And youre not hearing Him for three reasons that come down to how God answers prayers. Yes, in the sense that He can answer your prayers concerning your relationships if they are in line with His will. 54 Godly Relationship Quotes For Purity [+ Sermon]. Were on a mission to change that. God is amazing! I one has Faith, If one is saved, THAT union was consummated by prayer. Test your desire against Gods word. While I strongly advocate discipline, prayer and accountability, there are some things that hinder our release to freedom and joy that we are not able to accomplish by ourselves. The posed Question? The truth is that everyone has their limits and boundaries in life. In order to show humility in our interactions with others, we should pray that God would shape our hearts for nourishing these types of relationships. Here are the prayer scenarios we'll cover: Prayer as a conversation with God. We would love to hear from you. Prayer can be a powerful way to connect with God, but its not always easy for everyone. Does kindness have a cost? When we pray in our own words, we are saying something personal to our heavenly Father. Jesus once said, "Whoever comes to me I will never drive away" (John 6:37b). isnt our Lord straight forward and outright? Answering prayers is one of the many ways God shows His love. This has been a blessing to me. The Bible instructs in Matthew 7 that we are to ask and it shall be given to us. At some point, in some imperfect life situation, youve pleaded with God to show you what to do. Thank you very much for opening my eyes and God keep blessing you. Pauls words in 1Thessalonians 5:17 states that we are to pray continually. This does not mean that God is inadequate. Blessed be God, because he has not rejected my prayer or removed his steadfast love from me!