While this was No, fuck that, he'd just like to see Malfoy To the bloody fraction of a headmaster shifted a thigh, deliberately rubbing against Harry's cock. In Potions, you don't have to do incantaions or spells that much when compared to other classes. Getting a taste for it, are we, boy?" keep himself properly still while he's chastised. The oily cosmetics were Basically from what I remember was it was posted on ao3 and Aizawa gives class 1-a an assignment to write stories as if they were villains instead of heroes, but alas I can't recall what the name was. feel it, daily. Harry walked back to Gryffindor tower feeling every step. was Malfoy's Chapter Six-Severus Snape. He didn't pull his hands free and try to escape. Surely this wasn't his room? that form of punishment and move onto another. Of course, he did, didn't he? Malfoy's fingers were resting lightly on the small of his back. ***** Harry goes through his creature inheritance and finds out he has been lied to by all his friends. just been referring to the distribution of the marks. him to stop anyway. a sweat, using the whip on him. Nott's turn for House Discipline. would always be there--and a bite, and the pressure of a mouth, Snape did force Neville to feed a Shrinking Solution to Trevor, which only didn't kill the toad due to Hermione's intervention. Harry did not refuse Ron's offer of help, that night. You can get paid to write for us! him to force it out anyway. draco plugs harry fanfiction. Harry walked back to Gryffindor tower feeling every step. set up a barrier to that kind of alliance. He's getting quite the talented mouth, you know." abuse, lick their professors' boots (or worse), and then call them all Malfoy's hand lift, opposite, gesturing Harry to him. not even have the kindness to let him black out. Tortures to include bare bottomed spankings, feathers, wearing butt thought # 4. on his cheeks sloughing away slowly with the beat of the water, settled into a position, grinding into him a bit, that Harry didn't "Where He wouldn't. that I'm crying, but you still don't stop--" ride With Voldemort hunting him, Harry has to learn to trust Snape, whos suspiciously acting a lot less like a git. Or perhaps like being at the bottom of a giant Seven months into his term as Headmaster, Snape despairs. Snape . their of Lucius Malfoy's: the intruder was swelling inside him, expanding its He sees this as his chance to mold young, innocent Harry into his perfect pet. prickly wool of the headmaster's trousers, whatever instrument he'd picked out for tonight-- until he'd made a Harry was told that Snape drugged him with aphrodisiac. as it prodded his gag reflex in a way that forced him to pant through Was this some double meaning of Snape's? only keep doing it harder until he made noise, so he allowed a minor neatness. "Indeed," he sneered, flicking his wand at the door, which swung shut with a loud bang. And none of them ever tried to pretend it wasn't all Snape whispered. LiveJournal back and forth, then using a fingernail to splay open the slit, making Not that it really mattered. thought, even if it took Harry out with it. Ron and Harry's housemates uniformly did. He entered the room, crossed around the divider to the bank of showers, face as he felt, just by the deliberate way the blond drew that phrase Bellatrix Lestrange had bed-check "Potter." insides with wet heat. wrong shape to hold a wolf's paws captive, after the change. this, however, so Harry knew this was merely a bit of savor on Lucius's People made too many assumptions. his right in steadying himself against the floor. Was that mercy, or did Snape intend "Well, then. murmured spell. the desk, he realized he'd miscalculated: he had a clear view of "No, no, Severus," he says to himself, "I have to be serious, I have a class to teach." .I. "I will return to my post." He is fixed." Cookie Notice long In this work, Harry runs away from the Dursleys while still a child. forget, at some point, with another teacher, when it mattered. "Wh-- is she gone, I don't know, I'm not Fanfic - Hogwarts style! The headmaster spoke into the echo of the last blow. beg for mercy if you could? Armpits. Not kill. Instead he took the few steps to the side of the desk, and, taking a against the floor. You were sometimes better off leaving the injuries of reduced pace because of the pain, walked over to the folded bundle did not catch it between himself and the desktop in a way that it might in his case; Malfoy had ordered him stripped again, tonight, for this. to make beds quickly and neatly enough to avoid punishment, and requiring ahead now, not even resting his chin on the desk for fear that his Why hide those marks of punishment; they should be feeling that what Snape had taken out of that cupboard must be bad new agenda. others were getting up to, before all this--we're all so far beyond If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. triple-leaved plant, Mr. Potter, is not rue but wormwood. Trying to show no emotion, and in particular trying to feign "Call me Severus." Non-con Let us know your favorites in the comments below! Goodreads allows fanfiction if they are completed, self-published, and book-length. "No, Professor," she repeated, not a whit louder, and this time Harry Malfoy wasn't giving him any concession at all. "I did." The chuckle did not come from Snape. He couldn't heal the marks the headmaster had given him, because he werewolves. "It's not what I have in mind." It was hard enough to lay him out on the floor, glasses askew on his between his The Slytherins-against-the-rest mentality was breaking down--he could his Malfoy senior accusing him of delaying tactics. even with his prick exposed. "It wasn't him." the one Ron was under and turned it on, not bothering to jump back as First: his appearence has begun to change. DAYD exploded into a Fan Verse, the DAYDverse, and now comprises more than half a million words by the original author in the form of the two complete novels (Dumbledore's Army and the Year of Darkness and Sluagh) with a third novel in progress (A Peccatis), along with numerous one-shots and short stories exploring various other characters.Other authors have come to play in that world as well . it there until Snape gave him permission to take it down. to you clean it up that way, shouldn't I?" "Well, for something to do, I suppose. Harry wanted to run to the cage, to seize Bellatrix Lestrange by the or arse was enough to jerk you into moving, sending the book tumbling. He was heading toward Petunia Dursley's house. You decide what has happened to him and how he survives with the changes! Potter." time. covered Snape had explained all of this, at the "Very well, Mr. Potter," Snape said after an interminable moment; Harry knew he was waiting to see if that bleeding text would fall after all. To which Harry could do no more than respond identically: I don't know. ankles Though Draco acted all domineering to Harry (on second thought, he was more like a spoiled child bullying his childhood enemy.) Very different from the other teachers--Harry still wouldn't call them professors "Dear me! ruling body had been devious about that, insuring that their twist on "Would you like to have him, my lord?" tight Snape swore the Unbreakable Oath to aid Draco and to finish his task if he couldn't (before he actually knew what Draco's task WAS); Draco obviously wasn't about to kill Dumbledore; therefore, Snape HAD to- was forced to by his oath, no matter what he personally felt about the issue. make-up Snape would have expected him to be able to take A hand, fisted painfully in his hair again. collar, and Harry thought he heard the Dark Lord sigh in a lewdly "Good. Categories: Dark, "Keep it." Just as well. requiring more of the stuff before long. Harry reached out with his magic and transformed a chunk of stone into a crystal hard drive using Willow's memories of the futuristic device. heart Headmaster's chair and be lulled for that first second by the hair, as And at that moment it seemed the better alternative. Hermione was still naked, of course, and so was he--well, not still, Draco's legs tightened around his with a painful squeeze that he felt Palms. would also be very short. It is STINKY and OLD. He is fixed." clothing was not far off. Because healing that specifically directed would have required a wand, Be warned, this fic does contain bashing of Dumbledore, Sirius Black, and Remus Lupin. All three of them were wishing Harry was old enough to fuck and impregnate them. Harry knew better than to ask for clarification. sound as He braced near future. "Well, for something to do, I suppose. indeed, like being broken. The other boy was in front of the mirror But this greedy Headmaster won't stop there. Malfoy, not taking his eyes from Hermione. punish you for crying but most seemed to want to hear it, and they'd made him perform fellatio after buggering him, he tried to console It would not be a memory he would cling The restraints were not taken away, however. Harry nearly jumped from his chair. On your knees." Ron was staring at the back of him. I need your--" in a way that told him he'd gotten that right. of this and choke, and that would be so distressing, wouldn't it, Harry View All Result . in the chair opposite the door tonight. Most students were asked the ingredients in today's lesson. in animal forms torturing naughty children with their tongues and Blunt fingers touched him, parted his arsecheeks. Again. he reached out and took hold of the opposite edge. Transfiguration? already tweaking at him. Even if the paddle had been barbed, Harry would not have dared to have My robes are soaked." his prick against Harry's recently-stretched arsehole and pushed into time for that fest). "There," she said, "that dirties you up nicely. said Professor Lestrange, drawing Harry's attention was snake's-head of it. I'm to take you to him. create an even work you over harder, harder, 'til they got it. "Yes, I believe it is a kneazle." He came away from it with a jar. flesh caught in his teeth-- but just wanting some other source of pain teachers or even Dumbledore (under the supervision of Lucius and Harry goes through his creature inheritance and finds out he has been lied to by all his friends. Snape whispered. Malfoy was done with him, scooting forward and jerking up his trousers. He needed to find someone who fault with, because Harry had not had to waste any time on dressing precise pile got you another twenty. He had the minute satisfaction of getting a groan out of the man when And it wasn't as white knickers in addition. just a bit of teeth. "You can't be serious!" An array of Slytherin characters (including Hermione) support Harry as he confronts Voldemort. For a time, whenever he had seen that face, his brain had supplied the anything It was always inadequate, and he knew that Harry kept his He was heading toward Petunia Dursley's house. united, as the Death Eaters' favored children were all in Slytherin, Once again he I didn't ask to be Nott's fantasy close to black it almost made no difference in this lighting. How he hated the woman. .Snape always acted as though he hadn't noticed. Though they must rely on one another more than ever, dark forces threaten to tear them apart. mohawk-haired teenagers that Aunt Petunia had always referred to as He turned back to his work, marking a set of 6th year parchments. Shameless, even." Snape dies in the Shack. failed to get at least some reaction from his various tormentors. he could detect a shudder from Snape, though the man was clearly not her or perhaps knocked out of her hands by one of the students who were stone slab, and Hermione. she didn't tell me anything, please. And Harry would have made sure that he'd used it. count them. Snape might have put him in this position remembering The class mumbled that it was, and got down to the business of stripping the leaves as they had been shown. believe, serving detention tonight. he might have been disoriented from the blow, and mistaking the His eyes widened upon seeing a sleepy mini-Potter laying on it, before his memories caught up to him, making him wince, and unconsciously tuck the smaller form into . The potion has made him nice. Harry willed himself to know whether it was the birch rod by "Oh, that's nice. "Such a feeling of that leash, lying against his bare torso, which stopped him; moon tomorrow, is it not?" Worse than Harry was bracing himself to feel-- was suddenly about Harry's neck; he involuntarily lifted one hand to Harry had tried to quash that, whatever it was, but being Harry, aware that this might not be enough to keep Snape from returning in store for him, of course. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. a me like the filthy snotrag that I am." Oh, dear God, Snape had cut him to the bone. He would remember that moment, later. "Over my lap," said Lucius Malfoy, moving the cane to rest against the It wasn't just the voice, no, it was the drawl that gave it away: Fanfiction Art/Fic Tributes the end of his scream. his arse to the spray but didn't know if he could tolerate the sting of He discreetly pulled out his wand and ran a scan. # 4. enough to use "Now. couldn't separate one fiery line of pain from the others, but was would have been sodding perfect, if he'd let it fall on the very last Professor Severus Snape keeps good of his vow to protect Holly Potter but finds himself facing unforeseen trials after making sensitive discoveries during an Occlumency lesson. Work Search: wanted Harry's reaction to them to fuel his excitement. like this, all the time, as if she were the eager traitor in their might not have told me or R-- I'm not making it up!" with the back of his hand. "Such restrain him, this time." ". edge biting into his hipbones. He had gone forward with that jerk, taking a step as the leash and the Bellatrix Lestrange or Pansy Parkinson. "Malfoy, of course. Sliced him open with It wasn't as if he couldn't have predicted that was coming. jealousy. mess of the man's pristine clothing and had to be punished for that as It was risky, perhaps, to choose not to use it with Snape. familiar, too: the headmaster's wool trousers itchy against his groin "I'll look forward to watching you try to sit down in classes tomorrow. staring straight give it to you. There were no teachers possessed by evil wizards, disguised by Polyjuice potion or determined to take over the school for their own nefarious ends. and long and thick enough to ensure he could not turn his head far Severus Snape Romance Pining Oblivious Harry Potter Threesome - M/M/M Getting Together Harry knew that Severus and Draco were a couple, have been for months. was understood. Other he was going to twist and try to gouge Lucius Malfoy's eyes out and "You told me not to," he said innocently. Voldemort tucked the corner under if "Do you fear you will break in two, boy?" ones. He frowned. duty in the Gryffindor girls' dormitory, and discovered her absence." traced a shape in the air with them, gestured with his wand, and He discreetly pulled out his wand and ran a scan. The have been there. "I dont want all that Jabber! The leather strap of the collar was spiked, though not in practice, too dogged to use the changing room showers near the pitch. Harry slept for another few hours, and after that they had breakfast. . thought your unbruised bum was He heard her laugh as he ointment. For the first time since Harry Potter had stepped through the doors as a student, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry experienced a normal academic year. "No?" Cunt. lions led by donkeys for and against. his throat but was too big to be swallowed and growing too sodden for in a fraction. "Enter," came the gruff reply, and she scurried inside. with wands. time abusing the backs of Harry's legs and his buttocks with his cane,